Happy New Year from L-Tron!

As we begin 2016, I’m sure many of us share similar hopes and wishes for the year ahead, whether you’re focusing on personal goals, business goals, or a little of both. Around the Company, we’ve noticed some recurring themes when it comes to thoughts about the year ahead.

Company Growth and Industry Trends

DSC_0019“We are well-positioned for growth with our outstanding engineering, sales, marketing and operations teams. We have the best talent and a company focus on delighting our customers with innovative products and solutions. This year, I would like to see our customers and staff exceed their personal and professional goals.”
– RAD DeRose, CEO
“2016 is going to rock at the LTC! This year we have great new hires in every department and our 3D printer is very busy – innovation at its finest. We’re psyched about our upcoming solutions offerings and ISO 9001 certification, as well.”
– Gayle DeRose, COO
EDauthorBio“I’m excited about all of our new content, we have lots of great things in the works. Our first eBook is going to be published this January! Also, be on the lookout for some helpful support and how-to videos!”
– Elyse, Marketing Team
Charlie_Author pic“I’m excited about a new NYS contract. I also look forward to building many new relationships with people in the Child and Family Services profession, and helping them love their jobs more, as we help increase their productivity through automation and mobile applications.”
– Charlie, Sales Team
“In 2016, I predict that:

  • We will grow through new solutions.
  • We will expand our office space.

Halloween-2Happy New Year!”
– Ken, Solutions Team
Jeremy Author Picture“In 2016, the Industrial Automation & Data Acquisition market will continue to grow and I look forward to working with all current and future customers to provide a quality platform that improves their process, efficiency and throughput, while also providing a positive ROI.”
– Jeremy, Sales Team

sally“In 2016, our customers should continue to expect to receive prompt & friendly service whenever they interact with my colleagues and I.  We will continue to put our customers first as we do more to enhance and improve their customer service experience. We don’t expect to be measured on what we say, but more by what we do.  We welcome your comments and feedback as we strive to be the best we can be.Thank you for your business!”

– Sally, Operations Team
this guy hates annoying noises“In 2016, I look forward to diving deeper into helping some of our key customer segments. They have many unsolved problems, and I know we can help!”
– Trevor, Solutions Team

joe“I’m really excited about helping customers save time with their Lean Manufacturing initiatives in 2016 using barcode readers, RFID middleware integration, and industrial computing. We’ve got the right team assembled to make you successful!”

– Joe, Sales Team

cal“In 2016, I am looking forward to seeing tablets and smartphones continue to replace the cash register as Point-of-Sale and mobile Point-of-Sale solutions. I am also anticipating a lot more customer-oriented technology in 2016 – expect to see an increase in interactive menus, catalogs, maps, and more while you’re out and about!”
– Cal, Marketing Team
Halloween-1“We expect to deliver to quality and you should expect to receive it!”
– Debbie, Operations Team
brandon“As the new guy, I am really excited to see what this company will offer on the solutions side of business for 2016. It seems like every day we are faced with new challenges and opportunities – yet the team always finds a way to make it happen!”
– Brandon, Sales Team
“I look forward to L-Tron’s growth in 2016 with a larger customer base and more employees!”
– Cathy, Operations Team

Family and Fun

RADGayle2“2016 is going to rock at home, too! We have 5 perfect, beautiful grandchildren to enjoy!”
– RAD & Gayle
JC-headshot“In 2016, I look forward to diving in Belize or Honduras – or both! I predict that I might purchase my first BC and regulator to use on my dives this year, too.”
– Jason, Sales Team
Carmella-Bio“In 2016, I plan to exercise regularly and eat healthier than ever. I can’t wait to try out lots of healthy and creative recipes (thanks in advance, Pinterest) AND somehow convince my husband and kids that Brussels sprouts are delicious…Wish me luck!”
-Carmella, Marketing Team
Jeremy Author Picture“I’d like to finish Top 10 in the Spring/Summer/Fall LOC Salmon Division. I’d also like to win the Sandy Creek Shootout in July.”
– Jeremy, Sales Team
Halloween-1“In 2016, I expect to be named the TraCS Kitting Queen!
– Debbie, Operations Team
DSC_0006“I look forward to winning the 2016 Ugly Christmas Sweater competition and painting another wine glass to add to my growing collection!”
– Stephanie, Operations Team

What are you looking forward to in 2016? Share your thoughts with us on Twitter!

