Go paperless with Topaz Electronic Signature Capture Pads
Tried and true value in the medical, financial, and legal industries
Experience 100% ROI in a matter of days or weeks, not months or years
Software is the key to your implementation success
Which Topaz electronic signature capture pads integrate best with your software? We will collaborate with you to understand your application & make the best recommendation.
Wide selection of models for complete compatibility
See this infographic for more information on selecting the right model for your application
Security that works for you
Security doesn't have to be a hassle: eSignatures are proven to be both more efficient and more secure than their ink-and-paper counterparts
Topaz Top Sellers - LCD Pads
These Topaz electronic signature capture pads feature an LCD interactive display which show the signature on both the computer screen and signature pad.
Introduction to Electronic Signature Capture
Here’s a quick look at how the process of electronically signing a document works—and how it will save you time and money.
Make sure your signature pad and software are compatible
Topaz offers signature capture programs, plugins and developer tools that allow software companies to implement electronic signature capture functionality into their applications. Make sure the device you select is compatible with the software you intend to capture signatures into. Unsure if your software is compatible? Contact us for support.
Choose a destination for the signature
Is the signature going on a Word document? In a PDF? Or will it be captured by a medical or financial record software application?
Sign the SIgnature Capture Pad
Is the signature going on a Word document? In a PDF? Or will it be captured by a medical or financial record software application?
That's all!
No need to worry about making copies, backups, or doing any filing. It's all taken care of automatically, and if you ever need to retrieve the document it is a simple search away. That's right, no more searching endlessly in filing cabinets to find what you need!
Which industries benefit?
Financial Firms & Banks
Legal Firms
Contact Us
Fill out the contact form and Julianne will respond within 1-2 hours on the same business day.
Tax Season is Here, Get your Topaz Signature Pad Ready
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Are You Choosing the Right Topaz Signature Pad?
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3 Reasons to Use a Signature Capture Pad
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