I’ve worked with thousands of law enforcement and state transportation agencies over the years, observing firsthand that the ability to accurately report traffic data leads to safer communities.  The TraCS Solution is a great electronic citation and accident reporting application that collects important traffic data, enabling local and state agencies to aggregate and take action on that data.
TraCS Data mappingThe TraCS Solution and other e-citation and accident reporting applications are able to:

  • Map accident locations
  • Map traffic citation locations
  • Record date/time of accidents and infractions
  • Document type of infraction
  • Report accident severity

All of this useful electronic data allows for the development and deployment of applications to improve data visualization for law enforcement.  In turn, there are reductions in the number and severity of accidents, traffic violations, and even criminal infractions.  Mapping the locations and causes of fatal accidents can lead to new traffic control devices such as stop lights or flashing caution lights, which result in a reduction of accidents and fatalities.  Even something as simple as positioning a police cruiser in areas which are known to have traffic infractions at specific times of day will reduce the speed of traffic.  Meanwhile, the officer might just be sitting in his cruiser writing his daily reports.
Law enforcement agencies often ask me about the financial aspect of utilizing an e-Citation application like TraCS for data collection.  As I explain to them, improved accuracy from the installation of an e-citation and accident reporting system usually provides the financial justification, but the real rewards a community receives are improved quality of life, increased public safety and saved lives.  Still have unanswered questions?  Contact us and I would be happy to share more information.
