AR in retail
Millennials represent the largest population of consumers in the United States right now.
They are also addicted to their technology, so they utilize it in every way possible.
As consummate shoppers, they’re strong influencers of retail trends—not just the products on the market, but the way they make purchases.
These tech-savvy shoppers are driving the changes in retail technology.

Here’s a look at what’s ahead in technology trends for the remainder of 2017:

More mobile payments.

Consumers want even more convenience when it comes to making a purchase, so mobile wallets—like Apple Pay, Android Pay and Samsung Pay—will likely get more use. In addition, shoppers will probably convert their credit cards from plastic to digital.

Greater supply of on-demand shopping.

No one wants to wait in a line less than Millennials, who have been raised to expect instant gratification. Armed with the power of today’s technology, they can avoid checkout lines by ordering online for store pick-up. Using a store’s mobile app, the shopper’s mobile device signals an alert when the customer enters the store, so the associate is ready to welcome the guest and complete the shopping transaction. No lines!

Siri says so.

Digital assistants—like Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Amazon Echo’s Alexa—will do more than answer questions. The consumer-facing artificial intelligence will use the data collected from the user to provide shopping tips and even advise the individual about loyalty program points and perks.

AR and VR get real.

The tech-savvy consumer is already accustomed to augmented reality and virtual reality. Retailers should expect to integrate this technology to enhance the shopper experience. Let them “try on” fashions or “demo” sporting goods equipment. Take them on-site to browse a virtual store or even experience shopping mall or town center through the AR or VR perspective. Click to learn more about AR and VR technologies.
Technology is creating new products that entice shoppers to buy the next cool thing on the market. It’s also becoming the next cool thing for making that purchase!
What other technology do you think will be on the rise in 2017?
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