International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Since we’re a technology company, International Day of Women and Girls in Science (IDWGIS) represents much more than just a day to our L-Tron team. The goal of IDWGIS? To inspire and educate women about their roles in STEM fields. See how you can encourage young girls in their pursuit of STEM careers.

L-Tron Team - finding growth and opportunities during covid

Finding Growth and Opportunities during COVID-19

Looking back, our commitment to the safety and health of our employees, exceptional performance, and full transparency with our internal and external customers, as well as our manufacturing partners, enabled us to keep our doors open and our operations running to full capacity. This remained the case, even as our state and local region peaked in its number of COVID cases,

2019 TechRochester Technology Woman of the Year Winners

TechRochester Technology Woman of the Year

The TechRochester Technology Woman of the Year Breakfast is this Wednesday. Join us in honoring our own, Gayle DeRose, and technology leaders throughout Rochester.   Honor bestowed upon one by peers is often the most meaningful and sought after.  It’s no different for the TechRochester Technology Woman of the Year award. There’s much larger purpose …

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Photo of a young woman engineer who is fixing the motor on an airplane

Women’s History Month: Starting the Fuss About Women of History

Women’s History Month, originally celebrated in 1981, aims to celebrate women of history. Moreover, March is dedicated to remembering and encouraging the observation and celebration of the vital role that women play in our history. From scientists and engineers to teachers and artists, women nationwide have left their mark on our country, and THAT deserves …

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International Women’s Day 2018

History International Women’s Day is celebrated in countries worldwide. The goal? To recognize women from all divisions, nationalities, ethnicities, cultural, economic, or political backgrounds for their achievements and successes and encourage equality. 1908 brought insurmountable oppression and inequality for women working in Industrialized America. This inspired women across the country to become more vocal and …

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L-Tron’s Beginnings – Women in Leadership Roles

It’s not too often we hear about or see women in technology leadership roles. In a world where women now make up the majority of the workforce, this ‘women in technology’ (or lack-there-of) stigma needs to change. Discover how Gayle DeRose, L-Tron’s COO, Marketing Director, and Co-Owner, grew into a leadership role in our company and how she chose the …

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women leaders in technology

Wanted: More Women Technology Leaders

Women now comprise 57% of the professional workforce.    We’re a majority. Well, not everywhere. Women in technology represent a small minority. In fact, the number of women working in computer and math fields has actually decreased from a mere 28.8% to an even smaller 26.1% between 2003 and 2012—in spite of the growth that …

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