2018 Pyeongchang Olympics

Technology at the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics

Written by Carmella Giancursio Another Winter Olympic Games has begun and we all know what that means: Athletes paraded through the Opening Ceremonies. Countries vying for the lead in the gold medal count. Graceful figure skaters leaping and twirling through the air. Focused skiers swooshing swiftly through the course. Bobsled teams speeding down the track. …

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hotel stay

Be Our Guest: Hotel Technology Trends that Increase Guest Satisfaction

I checked into a hotel recently and received the familiar key card. When I got in the elevator and pressed the button to my floor, nothing happened. I pressed it again—like when I was waiting for that same elevator and kept pressing the up button over and over again, thinking I was somehow expediting its …

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AR in retail

Tech-Savvy Shoppers Drive the Retail Technology Trends for 2017

Millennials represent the largest population of consumers in the United States right now. They are also addicted to their technology, so they utilize it in every way possible. As consummate shoppers, they’re strong influencers of retail trends—not just the products on the market, but the way they make purchases. These tech-savvy shoppers are driving the …

Tech-Savvy Shoppers Drive the Retail Technology Trends for 2017 Read More »

AR & VR Offer Businesses a New Perspective

Mobile technology revolutionized our culture. The unbridled freedom of access to everything we need, from anywhere we are. Now, we have virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology. Once just a futuristic vision, “someday” has arrived. And businesses have the exciting opportunity to get a different perspective on their possibilities and choices. With VR, …

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Is eBay getting inside your mind as well as your pockets?

Twenty-one years ago, shoppers discovered the thrill of the online auction when eBay was born. Since opening on Labor Day weekend in 1995, eBay has grown to become an e-commerce powerhouse that has challenged Amazon for world domination. While eBay began with people selling their own “stuff”, about 80% of what’s now sold on the …

Is eBay getting inside your mind as well as your pockets? Read More »

The Summer Olympics 2016 will have Olympic-Quality Technology

For many people, the biggest event they will ever organize is a wedding. Now, imagine hosting a celebration that will take place over the span of 17 days with a “guest list” of over a million people and the “wedding party” consisting of 10,500 participants. That’s the colossal effort of hosting the 2016 Summer Olympics. …

The Summer Olympics 2016 will have Olympic-Quality Technology Read More »
