Documenting and processing a vehicle with OSCR360

How does OSCR360 assist with documenting and processing a vehicle?

OSCR360 excels at documenting and processing a vehicle, because it allows investigators to efficiently capture every inch of a car, both inside and out, including the rooftop and the undercarriage.

After capturing the scene overalls, investigators can snap individual evidence photographs with their DSLR cameras, and then connect the evidence to the scene as Points of Interest in the OSCR360 software. Crime scene technicians, crash reconstructionists, forensic consultants, and other scene examiners have all found value in OSCR’s ability to capture, store, organize, and visually present the facts of a case.

Watch the L-Tron team review how to document & process a vehicle with OSCR360.

unsafe structure after fire

Accessing Unsafe Structures & Environments with OSCR360

When it comes to fire service professionals, unsafe structures and environments continuously pose a risk to their health, safety, and well-being.

Firefighters are in danger while they work to extinguish each blaze and rescue victims who may be trapped inside. The hazmat team is vulnerable when responding to chemical spills and explosions. The search and rescue team enters precarious situations that no one else has the capability to handle. Investigators put themselves at risk when they are exposed to environmental conditions and the structural damage that remains after the emergency response team has cleared the scene.   

See how OSCR360 can help with accessing unsafe structures and training for these scenarios.

vehicle fire investigations - burned out car

Vehicle Fire Investigations & Documentation Overview

Vehicle fire investigation is a complex discipline, requiring expert knowledge in combustion kinetics, heat transfer, and fluid dynamics to determine the origin and cause of a fire and conclude whether a criminal element was involved.

See how technology like OSCR360 can assist in documenting a vehicle fire and the investigation.
