2023 IACP Technology Conference in Salt Lake City Utah

Press Release: L-Tron Team to attend the 2023 IACP Technology Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah

L-Tron will sponsor and attend the upcoming International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Technology Conference at the Salt Palace Convention Center held in Salt Lake City, Utah, May 22-24, 2023. The L-Tron team has attended numerous IACP technology conferences in past years and looks forward to showcasing their 4910LR Driver’s License Reader and OSCR360 for crime and crash scene investigation. 

Press Release: L-Tron Recognized as Zebra Technologies “Supplies Specialist”

L-Tron, a long-time Zebra™ business partner, is pleased to announce that the company has recently been recognized as a Zebra Supplies Specialist. This title publicly acknowledges L-Tron’s knowledge, expertise, and support of Zebra media, labels and supplies products. The recognition complements a thriving business partnership between L-Tron and Zebra that has spanned more than two decades.

L-Tron Team - finding growth and opportunities during covid

Finding Growth and Opportunities during COVID-19

Looking back, our commitment to the safety and health of our employees, exceptional performance, and full transparency with our internal and external customers, as well as our manufacturing partners, enabled us to keep our doors open and our operations running to full capacity. This remained the case, even as our state and local region peaked in its number of COVID cases,

What Technology do you need to work from home?

What Technology do you need to Work from Home during COVID-19?

We recently blogged about the changes that we have experienced over the past 8 weeks of the Coronavirus pandemic. Check out our blog on adjusting to working remotely here. Our transition to working from home during COVID-19 has been relatively seamless, thanks largely in part to the measures and proactive approach our leaders took in early March. How has your company adjusted and what technology do you need to work from home?

2019 TechRochester Technology Woman of the Year Winners

TechRochester Technology Woman of the Year

The TechRochester Technology Woman of the Year Breakfast is this Wednesday. Join us in honoring our own, Gayle DeRose, and technology leaders throughout Rochester.   Honor bestowed upon one by peers is often the most meaningful and sought after.  It’s no different for the TechRochester Technology Woman of the Year award. There’s much larger purpose …

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L-Tron’s Beginnings – Women in Leadership Roles

It’s not too often we hear about or see women in technology leadership roles. In a world where women now make up the majority of the workforce, this ‘women in technology’ (or lack-there-of) stigma needs to change. Discover how Gayle DeRose, L-Tron’s COO, Marketing Director, and Co-Owner, grew into a leadership role in our company and how she chose the …

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