Using Video to Record a Crime Scene

Why Spherical Photography Offers a Powerful Alternative to Using Video to Record a Crime Scene

When you are processing a crime scene, it’s important to document how the scene was originally found. While overall photographs, crime scene video and spherical photography can all accomplish this, there are pros and cons to each. At the end of the day, you as an investigator or crime scene technician must have an all-encompassing visual depiction of the scene, and you must be able to speak to where pieces of evidence were discovered.

Forensic Photography Refresher Course

Refreshing Forensic Photo Skills is a MUST for a Crime Scene Technician

  That little green AUTO icon on your camera is forensic evil.   If you’re a crime scene technician, you’ve heard this for years; yet you admit you didn’t listen. Human nature took over. Blame your ancestors if you wish. Laziness is a trait left over from our ancestors’ need to conserve energy to hunt. …

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Spherical Images

It’s All About Perspective, Part 2 – Spherical Images

  Spherical 360-degree photography is revolutionizing crime scene evidence capture and courtroom presentation. In addition to capturing the crime scene with minimal disturbance and catering to today’s demands for hi-tech courtrooms, as discussed in “It’s all about Perspective Part One: Courtroom Perspective,” 360-degree spherical images have several outstanding applications.   A Virtual Reality Tool Spherical photography …

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Courtroom Perspective

It’s All About Perspective Part 1 – Courtroom Perspective

Perspective /pər’ spektiv/ n. a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. It’s All About Courtroom Perspective In the courtroom, it is the attorney’s job to influence the attitudes of the jury, and deliver a conviction by presenting solid evidence. Traditionally, courtroom perspective has been influenced by verbal testimony, still …

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