computers and tablets for law enforcement

The Officer’s Guide to ECitation: What does your patrol car need to stay current, efficient & safe? An In-Car Computer and Mount

Welcome back to our eCitation guide for your modern patrol car. As we discussed in Part 1, there isn’t one clear-cut answer to the question of what equipment a patrol car needs. Why? Because each agency is unique, with differing preferences and needs. What all agencies have in common is the need to best serve & protect their community.

Consumer Versus Rugged Devices: Short-term Savings, Long-term Cost

Consumer devices—smartphones, tablets, and laptops—are designed for consumer use. We check our emails and social media, shop online, and manage various daily tasks. The mobility that these devices offer has drifted into the workplace, spawning the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend. Many businesses were happy to avoid the added expense of buying mobile devices for …

Consumer Versus Rugged Devices: Short-term Savings, Long-term Cost Read More »
