2D Barcodes: 5 Reasons You Need Them

Barcodes have been in use commercially for decades. 1D Barcodes As businesses recognized the value of storing more information in these linear codes, they realized that the good, old-fashioned 1D barcode—which stores the equivalent of approximately 20 to 25 alphanumeric characters—wasn’t enough. 2D Barcodes The 2D barcode has been around for over 10 years, but …

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Video Game Hides Barcode Treasure with QR Codes

Google has been known to hide some Easter eggs in their applications and websites from time to time (like their Google Images Atari Breakout). But they’re not alone – programmers and web developers love to hide special features in their code. The same holds true for video game developers. I recently decided to blow the …

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Barcodes for Location Information

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is known for its Portuguese pavement. Pedestrian walkways are covered in designs created by arranging light and dark colored stones. These designs vary from geometric patterns to the image of the Queen of Portugal. Recently, the city started adding quick response barcodes, or QR codes, to the designs in the sidewalks …

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QR Codes for Product Information & Convenience

A potential customer in a store is looking at your product. She is in the market for your product or something similar from one of your competitors, but she still has questions. She could read about your product from what is on the packaging, but you have limited real estate. There is a trade-off between …

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can you get a virus from a qr code

Can you get a virus from a QR Code? Fact or Fiction

There have been growing discussions about the very real possibility of using the increasingly popular QR code as a malware vector, and at least one real world exploit encountered by anti-malware heavyweight Kaspersky Lab.

So, can you really “infect” a barcode? Can you get a virus from a QR code? Well, yes and no.
