AR in retail

Tech-Savvy Shoppers Drive the Retail Technology Trends for 2017

Millennials represent the largest population of consumers in the United States right now. They are also addicted to their technology, so they utilize it in every way possible. As consummate shoppers, they’re strong influencers of retail trends—not just the products on the market, but the way they make purchases. These tech-savvy shoppers are driving the …

Tech-Savvy Shoppers Drive the Retail Technology Trends for 2017 Read More »

self checkout

Can Retailers Pump up POS for a Better Shopper Experience?

Retaining customer loyalty is a direct result of the quality of the shopper experience. Most shoppers will say the biggest bump in the path to purchase is the checkout—or specifically, the lines. Self-checkout has become less of a novelty as more retailers have invested in the POS technology to empower customers to handle this task …

Can Retailers Pump up POS for a Better Shopper Experience? Read More »

EMV Liability Shift – October 2015

As I sit down to write this post on September 30, the unfolding EMV initiative (Europay, MasterCard, and Visa, the companies that originated EMV) is less than one day away from a major milestone in the US; liability shift. Most of us are at least aware of the new cards we’ve been receiving with integrated …

EMV Liability Shift – October 2015 Read More »

EMV: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  Q: Why should I read this article about EMV FAQs? A: If you don’t already know about EMV, not reading this article jeopardizes your job and possibly the survival of your company. It could cost you and your company a lot of money. If you have heard of EMV, I would still recommend that …

EMV: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Read More »

The New Connected Shopper?

While reading today of sophisticated mobile-marketing strategies – complex concepts such as “creating meaningful retail connection points,” ” transforming points-of-sale into points-of-service,” “engaging the new connected shopper” and “becoming an omni-channel retailer” – I was reminded, in contrast, of simpler shopping experiences that I enjoyed decades ago. I lived in the classic small town – …

The New Connected Shopper? Read More »
