IACP Technology Conference 2024

Press Release: L-Tron returns from 2024 IACP Technology Conference in Charlotte, NC

L-Tron has returned from its seventh trip to the annual International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Technology Conference. This year’s 2024 IACP Technology Conference was held in Charlotte, North Carolina from May 21-23. The event provided public safety officers with training, professional development and knowledge about new technologies in the law enforcement space.

Grant Writing 101 - law enforcement grant application

Grant Writing 101: Submitting a Law Enforcement Grant Application (and how L-Tron can help) 

While writing grant proposals might be intimidating, the process can be done successfully by following a few basic guidelines. L-Tron has worked with and for Law Enforcement agencies over the past two decades. We have helped agencies successfully find, apply for, and receive law enforcement grant funding to purchase our technology, including the 4910LR Driver’s License Reader and OSCR360 system. 

What are the best Wi-Fi Routers & In-Car Communication Devices for Law Enforcement? 

In today’s digital world, uninterrupted communication is essential – and even more so within the public safety community. When it comes to first response, every situation has the potential to be critical. To this end, manufacturers have developed Wi-Fi routers and gateways specifically for emergency vehicle and squad car environments. These devices are small, rugged, and ready to be connected to essentially any communications network, leaving the lines of communication open all the time, even when public communication systems are failing. 

police communication

In-Vehicle Routers for Public Safety: The ICR-3241 vs Sierra Wireless AirLink Gateway

Effective and reliable communication is essential to Law Enforcement & Public Safety Officers. Without it, first responders would be in danger of experiencing slower response times, making uninformed decisions, subjecting themselves to unnecessary risks, and even losing lives. Fortunately, in today’s day in age, we have better communication systems and more communication capabilities than ever before. However, this also means that there are a lot of tech options. How can you be sure you’re outfitting your department with the “right” technology?

Keep your Law Enforcement Agency Technology Current

3 Ways to Keep your Law Enforcement Agency Technology Current

The history of crime mapping, body-worn cameras, police drones and other Law Enforcement technology parallels the history of civilian technology; it began a few decades ago, took off rapidly and hasn’t stopped since. It can be daunting to stay on top of current trends and weed out what technology is here to stay and worth investing in. Here are 3 ways to keep your Law Enforcement Agency technology current.

police technology

Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees – Especially at Police Headquarters

Our team has worked closely with Law Enforcement agencies for almost two decades now. We’ve met some amazing men and women along our journey and heard some incredible stories. As the years have come and gone, there are two things we’ve noticed that have remained consistent in the Law Enforcement community: Police Officers are highly …

Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees – Especially at Police Headquarters Read More »

Why the 4910LR is an Officer’s Ticket to Success

In a few weeks, my family will be taking a road trip from New York State to South Carolina. With 3 kids under the age of 6, you may be thinking that my husband and I are crazy…and I’d have to agree. But we’re hoping that once we reach sunny skies and warm weather, we’ll …

Why the 4910LR is an Officer’s Ticket to Success Read More »

What Makes Good Technology “Good”?

As a ‘tech guy,’ I’m often asked what my favorite piece of technology is. I never really gave this question much thought before, but I imagine my fellow public safety technologists are asked this same question pretty often as well. We all have our favorite technology. Many of us wear it on the wrist, others …

What Makes Good Technology “Good”? Read More »
