What are the best Wi-Fi Routers & In-Car Communication Devices for Law Enforcement? 

In today’s digital world, uninterrupted communication is essential – and even more so within the public safety community. When it comes to first response, every situation has the potential to be critical. To this end, manufacturers have developed Wi-Fi routers and gateways specifically for emergency vehicle and squad car environments. These devices are small, rugged, and ready to be connected to essentially any communications network, leaving the lines of communication open all the time, even when public communication systems are failing. 

wireless gateway router

What Kind of Router is in my Patrol Car?

Unless you’re an IT professional, chances are you don’t pay a whole lot of attention to the specific technology you use on the regular. I know that I’ve never given much thought to the router currently keeping me connected or even the very laptop I am typing this article on. What about when it comes to the technology keeping your patrol vehicle equipment running?

patrol vehicle equipment

What is FirstNet™?

Learn more about the nationwide communications network built specifically for public safety and emergency responders. Following 9/11, the lack of connectivity & clear communication among first responders – especially during a large-scale emergency – became abundantly clear.

pulled over

Roadside Safety: What should I do if I get pulled over?

  What should I do if I get pulled over? How you can make it easier on yourself, and Law Enforcement?   You’re cruising along the highway, humming along to your favorite song, and thinking about your weekend plans. No, this isn’t the start of a sweet country song – next thing you know you spot …

Roadside Safety: What should I do if I get pulled over? Read More »

Why the 4910LR is an Officer’s Ticket to Success

In a few weeks, my family will be taking a road trip from New York State to South Carolina. With 3 kids under the age of 6, you may be thinking that my husband and I are crazy…and I’d have to agree. But we’re hoping that once we reach sunny skies and warm weather, we’ll …

Why the 4910LR is an Officer’s Ticket to Success Read More »
