
New Kid on the Block, Part 3

Written by Hank Kula When friends ask what I do at L-Tron, I answer honestly, “I don’t know.”  As I mentioned in part 2, company roles are continually evolving, and you can read about my Law Enforcement background, prior to L-Tron, in Part 1. Summarily, I write “content” in connection with our crime scene / …

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welcome to l-tron

New Kid on the Block, Part 2

Written by Hank Kula When I walked into L-Tron on my first day, I was greeted by CEO RAD DeRose. Talk about cool names.  He was RAD.  (Sorry.) RAD had a new laptop for me.  Score.  The laptop is touch screen.  Double score.  With the laptop came VPN.  Heard of it. Knew what it was. …

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New Kid on the Block, Part 1

Written by Hank Kula Fifty-six.  Looking for a job.  At an interview I was asked, “So, what do you want to be when you grow up?” Normal, right? Normal for L-Tron Corporation. After twenty-six years a cop, 2017 was prime time to retire.  Colleagues’ not-so-subtle hints about how I stayed too long turned into, “So …

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PSP Reconstruction Seminar

What it was like to Capture Crashes with OSCR360 at the PSP Reconstruction Seminar

Last month, I had the opportunity to travel with OSCR360 to Gettysburg, PA for the 2017 Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) Reconstruction Seminar. . The PSP Reconstruction Seminar attracted over 350 attendees and was free to active Law Enforcement reconstructionists. I had a great time at the conference with my co-workers Alex and Chuck, a retired sergeant …

What it was like to Capture Crashes with OSCR360 at the PSP Reconstruction Seminar Read More »

PSP Crash

Key Components of a Comprehensive Crash Investigation

There are several key components of a comprehensive crash investigation. The first officer to arrive at a crash typically finds it chaotic at best. As in any situation, the officer’s first priority is the preservation of life.  Second is the preservation of the scene and any possible evidence. Once the scene is secured and victims …

Key Components of a Comprehensive Crash Investigation Read More »

OSCR360 is not a total station

What’s the Difference Between a Laser Measuring Device and OSCR360?

  Crime scenes and motor vehicle crashes are often complex and difficult to figure out. That’s why police departments train their people to be forensic and crash reconstruction specialists. That’s also why civilian crash reconstructionists and private investigators follow up such incidents. These specialists are experts who investigate and determine the chain of events leading …

What’s the Difference Between a Laser Measuring Device and OSCR360? Read More »


Meet our Peeps: Julianne Pangal

Meet L-Tron Team Member, Julianne Pangal Today’s blog is going to be a little bit different than my normal blogs because I won’t be talking technology. Instead, I wanted to start a fun new series that I plan to continue over the coming months, and this series will be all about the people behind the …

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OSCR demo

Part 2: OSCR360 for the Untrained – Software and Use Cases

(a 5 minute read…) If you read Part 1 of this series, you probably recall that I recently had the chance to do a run-through of the OSCR360 Solution.  As I mentioned, I am not a tech-savvy person (like, not at all), so I was more than a little apprehensive when L-Tron’s Sales & Solutions …

Part 2: OSCR360 for the Untrained – Software and Use Cases Read More »

trying out OSCR360

Part 1: OSCR360 for the Untrained – How easy is it to use?

(A 4 minute read) Part of my job entails creating marketing content for L-Tron products. Last week, the team asked me to stop by the office to learn more about one of our exciting new products: OSCR360. If you don’t already know, OSCR360 is a solution that allows users to take a 360-degree photo for use …

Part 1: OSCR360 for the Untrained – How easy is it to use? Read More »
