Oscar 360

Oscar 360 versus OSCR360

Oscar 360 or OSCR360: What do our dog and our 360-degree crime & crash solution have in common?   The secret is out.. Allow me to provide a little clarity surrounding our friendliest co-worker and our newest custom-built solution.   Meet Oscar Oscar 360 is our happiest co-worker, self-proclaimed mascot and the furriest member of …

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103rd International Association for Identification

103rd International Association for Identification (IAI) Conference Wrap Up

Travel a 20-year detour in public service, stick to your standards, add some professional doubt, and you just might surpass your career goals after all. That’s what L-Tron Corporation’s Andrew McNeill did last month at the 103rd International Association for Identification (IAI) Educational Conference. The retired Monroe County Sheriff’s Deputy and certified IAI Senior Crime Scene …

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Spherical Images

It’s All About Perspective, Part 2 – Spherical Images

  Spherical 360-degree photography is revolutionizing crime scene evidence capture and courtroom presentation. In addition to capturing the crime scene with minimal disturbance and catering to today’s demands for hi-tech courtrooms, as discussed in “It’s all about Perspective Part One: Courtroom Perspective,” 360-degree spherical images have several outstanding applications.   A Virtual Reality Tool Spherical photography …

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Courtroom Perspective

It’s All About Perspective Part 1 – Courtroom Perspective

Perspective /pər’ spektiv/ n. a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. It’s All About Courtroom Perspective In the courtroom, it is the attorney’s job to influence the attitudes of the jury, and deliver a conviction by presenting solid evidence. Traditionally, courtroom perspective has been influenced by verbal testimony, still …

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Life After Law Enforcement

Still the New Kid – Life after Law Enforcement

Still the New Kid   Five months later I’m still figuring it out.  My job. If you were desperate enough to read of my sortie into the tech industry, this is an update. Late last year I was the “new kid” who segued from a 26-year law enforcement career into the “Edu-Techie” team at L-Tron …

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Distracted Driver

I am a Distracted Driver – How can you limit distractions behind the wheel?

I am a distracted driver.   Do I text and drive? Absolutely not. But being a distracted driver is so much more than just that. I WILL answer a call on my phone while I’m driving and switch my phone over to Bluetooth. I WILL drive with my dog in the front seat (who can …

I am a Distracted Driver – How can you limit distractions behind the wheel? Read More »

Crime Scene Photography Terms

26 Common Crime Scene Photography Terms You Need to Know

Common Crime Scene Photography Terms: What you need to know   L-Tron is sponsoring an upcoming Forensic Photography Refresher Course on Thursday, April 12, 2018. The training will be led by Sergeant Hank Kula (Ret.) and a current Sheriff’s Deputy. For more details on the event or to register click here. You must be a …

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CSI Effect

Two sides of the story: CSI Effect

Written by Carmella Giancursio Crime and courtroom dramas captivate millions of viewers worldwide, so it comes as no surprise to discover popular shows like CSI and Law and Order have huge impact off-screen. Many judges and attorneys report an increase in a phenomenon known as the “CSI Effect.” The CSI Effect is thought to be …

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