Police Photography: Order of Photography

True & Accurate Police Photography, Part 6: Order of Photography

True & Accurate Police Photography, Part 6: Order of Photography   My first photography instructor was fond of order. Lesson one began with the exhortation, “Order. We must first have order.” His meaning was clear: all things must be done in sequence and for a reason. Crime scene photography is a deliberate and systematic process …

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Police Photography, Part 3: Camera Lenses

True & Accurate Police Photography, Part 3: Camera Lenses

True & Accurate Police Photography, Part 3: Camera Lenses In our first blog, we discussed camera modes and how to make the best choice as a forensic photographer. Then, in our most recent blog, we discussed the importance of making good photography choices – camera mode, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. An equally important, but …

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What technology has affected the criminal justice system. Officer on laptop

What technology has affected the criminal justice system?

  During this ‘age of tech,’ what technology has affected the criminal justice system?   Few aspects of life in the 21st century remain untouched by technology. Among the slowest to adapt, adopt, or innovate technology, is the criminal justice system. You’d think that would be the one we’d want to be the fastest. Instead, …

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How to document a crime scene - evidence collection

How to Document a Crime Scene? What are the Critical Aspects of Evidence Collection

How to document a crime scene: what critical aspects of evidence collection must be included?   Crime scene documentation is a systematic and multifaceted process. Because a crime scene investigator’s “work product” is a public record that will likely be featured in some level of court proceeding, it is essential that documentation be thorough and …

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OSCR visits New Haven, Connecticut

Where’s OSCR? Our Visit to Connecticut, the ‘Still Revolutionary’ State

  Earlier in December, OSCR and I had a chance to travel to New Jersey and Connecticut. We had a blast exploring this ‘Still Revolutionary’ state (obviously they’re revolutionary if they’re interested in OSCR)! The OSCR team even got the opportunity to meet the famous Dr. Henry Lee, who worked as thif youe Forensic Scientist …

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18+ Ways to Fund your OSCR360

18+ Ways to Fund your OSCR360

18+ Ways to Fund your OSCR360 OSCR360 has been traveling the country, assisting Officers with everything from crime scene documentation and active shooter pre-planning to arson investigations and hunting-related shootings and more. The OSCR360 capture kit and desktop software allows users to capture overalls of their scenes quickly, and then these 360-degree images act as …

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OSCR visits Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Where’s OSCR? Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Just a few short weeks ago, OSCR360 visited Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Check out what we learned on our trip to the central Pennsylvania region. First stop: Reading, PA. Known for its pretzels, being the only city in the country where you can start kindergarten and graduate from college on the same street, and having …

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Alex's New Partner OSCR360

Alexandra has a New Partner: OSCR360

Meet Alex’s new partner OSCR360. Where are they traveling next?   Travel. It’s this glorious concept. Exploring new places, new foods, new cultures (yes, even within the United States). It’s an exciting time for individuals to learn, grow, and evolve. Frankly, travel sounds wonderful.   Until it isn’t.   Those of you who travel for …

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What is OSCR360? Everything to Everyone

What is OSCR360? Everything to Everyone

What is OSCR360? One tool that does everything. From Spork to Swiss army knife, since at least (201-300 A.D.) the human race has crammed convenience and functionality into singular forms. Whether gear, or strategic approach, today the “multi-tool” reigns supreme. In the public safety sector, the OSCR360 spherical photographic solution, began as a multi-tool, but …

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Forensic Photography Refresher Course

Refreshing Forensic Photo Skills is a MUST for a Crime Scene Technician

  That little green AUTO icon on your camera is forensic evil.   If you’re a crime scene technician, you’ve heard this for years; yet you admit you didn’t listen. Human nature took over. Blame your ancestors if you wish. Laziness is a trait left over from our ancestors’ need to conserve energy to hunt. …

Refreshing Forensic Photo Skills is a MUST for a Crime Scene Technician Read More »
