Estes Park in Larimer County, CO

How is the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office using OSCR360 to document crime scenes & to keep their community safe?

Larimer County Sheriff’s Office has been using OSCR360 regularly for just over 2 years since the system was first purchased by the agency’s Investigations Unit. Though LCSO also owns a laser scanner, the Investigations Unit prefers to use OSCR360 as often as possible, since OSCR’s documentation process is much faster. To date, the team has investigated a variety of crime scenes, including sexual assaults, search warrants and suspicious deaths with OSCR360. 

oscr user training

Press Release: OSCR360 Software Update v196 and Tablet v92 are Now Available

L-Tron is pleased to announce the release of a tablet and desktop software update for its OSCR360 system. OSCR360 software update v196 is now live and available to all OSCR customers. Just as the patented OSCR360 system was initially developed with input from law enforcement and criminal justice agencies, the updated software releases reflect the voices and feedback of L-Tron’s public safety clients. This release includes various Tablet and Desktop software improvements, fixes and updates.

New England Crime Scene Investigators Conference - Raffle Winner

Press Release: L-Tron Returns from New England Crime Scene Investigators Conference 

The L-Tron team has returned from a successful New England Division International Association for Identification (IAI) Conference, held outside of Boston, MA. The conference, which was geared toward New England crime scene investigators, identification specialists, forensic scientists, and students took place from December 4-7, 2022. L-Tron’s Julianne Pangal and Ben Peay had the opportunity to network with conference participants and share the OSCR360 system with attendees.

Press Release: L-Tron Returns from Florida IAI Investigations Conference

The L-Tron team has returned from this year’s Florida IAI Investigations Conference. The FDIAI (Florida International Association for Identification) Conference took place October 9-14 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel, in Orlando. The event drew a large crowd of investigators, detectives and law enforcement professionals. See more here..

Patent Protected

Press Release: L-Tron awarded OSCR360 Spherical Imaging Patent

L-Tron is pleased to announce that the company has been issued a patent for the OSCR360 spherical imaging system. The approval of this patent demonstrates the company’s continued commitment to developing innovative, purpose-built technology for law enforcement and the public sector.

Welcome to North Dakota

How is OSCR360 helping the Ward County Sheriff’s Department (ND) revisit the crime scene?

Captain Kraft of the Ward County Sheriff’s Office has found OSCR360 to be an invaluable resource. As a supervisor, Kraft isn’t always able to make it out to crime scenes in person. Anytime there is a suspicious death or other scene that needs quick overall images, his investigators photograph the scene using OSCR360 and present the case to Captain Kraft back at the office. They have also integrated their close-up photos from criminal cases into the OSCR360 software.

police officer with badge

How is the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office in Arkansas Using OSCR360?

The Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office in Arkansas purchased OSCR360 in early 2020. Since then, the system has assisted the department in all different types of cases. Our team recently had the opportunity to touch base with Sergeant Eric Cheatham to hear his feedback on the system. Cheatham, a twenty-year law enforcement veteran, began his career with the Arkansas State Police and currently serves as a Detective in Lawrence County SO’s Criminal Investigations Division.

welcome to texas

Press Release: L-Tron’s OSCR360 Spotted on the Boerne Police Foundation Wish List

L-Tron is pleased to share that the OSCR360 System was spotted on the Boerne Police Foundation Wish List. Law enforcement agencies nationwide are always looking for creative ways to access funding for equipment, software, and training. In this case, Boerne’s citizens have come together to contribute to the greater good of the community.
