Case Presentation Software Technology

District Attorney Tools: Case Presentation Software

The role of a District Attorney’s Office comes with huge responsibility. When a case is presented, a jury or judge will decide whether or not to convict a suspect – and their decision is based on the collection and presentation of the evidence. The burden of proof lies with the prosecutor, and the end goal is for justice to be served.

What case presentation tools & technology can assist with organizing and presenting your case?

crime scene lighting HDR

Crime Scene Lighting with OSCR360: The Benefits of HDR

Lighting is one of the most crucial elements of forensic photography. In order to gain the proper exposure and a fair and accurate picture of a scene, it’s important to consider: current lighting, how your equipment may adapt, and what you can do to achieve optimal crime scene lighting. Discover more about HDR capabilities and crime scene lighting in this blog.

technology tools in the courtroom

Technology Tools in the Courtroom

Is technology important in the courtroom? According to  research reported a Superior Court Judge in the District of Columbia, “94% of surveyed jurors agreed or strongly agreed ‘Overall, the use of technology tools in the courtroom improved my ability to serve as a juror in this case.’”

crime scene investigations

What is Photographic Evidence vs. Digital Evidence?

Photographic evidence consists of the images captured by an investigator or forensic photographer at a crime scene that indicate critical information about the crime. A crime scene photographer has the responsibility to preserve a scene and document evidence exactly as it was originally found, with no room for interpretation.

oscr360 for crime scene investigations

OSCR360 in the News: Dallas County, AL Shares how OSCR will Assist them in Giving their Community a Better Sheriff’s Department

OSCR in the News: After purchasing OSCR360 the Dallas County Sheriff’s Department in Alabama was featured in the news. According to the Alabama news room, the Department plans to utilize OSCR360 for their “major crime scenes – any homicide or death investigations.” The department wants the public to know that they’re “doing everything possible whether it’s technology or more training or whatever. We’re doing what it takes to give the community a better sheriff’s office.”

On Scene with OSCR360: Desktop Software Assists in a Homicide Investigation

The investigations division of a Florida Sheriff’s Department is just one of the many agencies who recognized the benefits of the OSCR360 desktop software right from the start. While demoing OSCR360, one detective mentioned to me that they were working on a particularly controversial case involving multiple murders, circumstantial evidence, and more. The department was in the process of putting together a case overview – read how OSCR helped
