Senator Helming visits the L-Tron office

Press Release: L-Tron welcomes Senator Helming to their Victor, NY Office

New York State Senator Pamela Helming recently visited L-Tron headquarters in Ontario County to learn more about the Company’s impact across New York and the United States.   Along with receiving a tour, Senator Helming had the opportunity to meet members of the team, learn about L-Tron’s engineering capabilities and see a demonstration of the patented OSCR360 System.  

NYS Traffic Safety Conference winner

Can Anyone Use OSCR360? A First-Time OSCR360 User Documents an Event

We asked one of our newer team members to bring OSCR360 along to document a conference. We captured pre-conference set-up, photos during the event, and built an OSCR project with points of interest…all right there at the conference.

Check out our time at ESLETS, documented by a first-time OSCR360 user.

City hall of Carson City NV

How is the Carson City Sheriff’s Office using OSCR360 to Document Cases – from Kidnapping Investigations to Homicide Scenes

Criminalist Jason Olson was at a conference, in search of a tool that would allow for a demonstrative view of crime scenes, when he was introduced to OSCR360. With city funding, Carson City Sheriff’s Office was able to purchase the system. See more of their feedback and hear a few of the cases that OSCR360 has helped them to document…

Estes Park in Larimer County, CO

How is the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office using OSCR360 to document crime scenes & to keep their community safe?

Larimer County Sheriff’s Office has been using OSCR360 regularly for just over 2 years since the system was first purchased by the agency’s Investigations Unit. Though LCSO also owns a laser scanner, the Investigations Unit prefers to use OSCR360 as often as possible, since OSCR’s documentation process is much faster. To date, the team has investigated a variety of crime scenes, including sexual assaults, search warrants and suspicious deaths with OSCR360. 

Press Release: L-Tron Returns from Florida IAI Investigations Conference

The L-Tron team has returned from this year’s Florida IAI Investigations Conference. The FDIAI (Florida International Association for Identification) Conference took place October 9-14 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel, in Orlando. The event drew a large crowd of investigators, detectives and law enforcement professionals. See more here..

Patent Protected

Press Release: L-Tron awarded OSCR360 Spherical Imaging Patent

L-Tron is pleased to announce that the company has been issued a patent for the OSCR360 spherical imaging system. The approval of this patent demonstrates the company’s continued commitment to developing innovative, purpose-built technology for law enforcement and the public sector.

police officer with badge

How is the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office in Arkansas Using OSCR360?

The Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office in Arkansas purchased OSCR360 in early 2020. Since then, the system has assisted the department in all different types of cases. Our team recently had the opportunity to touch base with Sergeant Eric Cheatham to hear his feedback on the system. Cheatham, a twenty-year law enforcement veteran, began his career with the Arkansas State Police and currently serves as a Detective in Lawrence County SO’s Criminal Investigations Division.
