Documenting and processing a vehicle with OSCR360

How does OSCR360 assist with documenting and processing a vehicle?

OSCR360 excels at documenting and processing a vehicle, because it allows investigators to efficiently capture every inch of a car, both inside and out, including the rooftop and the undercarriage.

After capturing the scene overalls, investigators can snap individual evidence photographs with their DSLR cameras, and then connect the evidence to the scene as Points of Interest in the OSCR360 software. Crime scene technicians, crash reconstructionists, forensic consultants, and other scene examiners have all found value in OSCR’s ability to capture, store, organize, and visually present the facts of a case.

Watch the L-Tron team review how to document & process a vehicle with OSCR360.

NYS Traffic Safety Conference winner

Can Anyone Use OSCR360? A First-Time OSCR360 User Documents an Event

We asked one of our newer team members to bring OSCR360 along to document a conference. We captured pre-conference set-up, photos during the event, and built an OSCR project with points of interest…all right there at the conference.

Check out our time at ESLETS, documented by a first-time OSCR360 user.

PA State Police Traffic Collision and Recon seminar - crash 2

Common Crash Reconstruction Glossary Terms

Considering that crash reconstruction is a specialized field, it comes as no surprise that there are quite a few words and phrases exclusive to those in the profession. The list below contains the definitions of several common glossary terms that a crash investigator will likely be familiar with. 

Pennsylvania Traffic Collision and Reconstruction Conference - crash 1

Press Release: L-Tron Returns from Pennsylvania Traffic Collision and Reconstruction Conference 

The L-Tron team has returned from another successful Pennsylvania Traffic Collision and Reconstruction Conference (PCARS) in Erie, PA. The PCARS Seminar featured 3 live staged crashes, as well as presentations, exhibits, and networking opportunities for participants. L-Tron team members, Andrew McNeill, Julianne Pangal, and Isabella Susino demoed the 4910LR Driver’s License Reader and OSCR360 for Crash Reconstruction, both of which are designed to help officers better serve and protect their communities.  

Press Release: L-Tron Returns from Florida IAI Investigations Conference

The L-Tron team has returned from this year’s Florida IAI Investigations Conference. The FDIAI (Florida International Association for Identification) Conference took place October 9-14 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel, in Orlando. The event drew a large crowd of investigators, detectives and law enforcement professionals. See more here..

Patent Protected

Press Release: L-Tron awarded OSCR360 Spherical Imaging Patent

L-Tron is pleased to announce that the company has been issued a patent for the OSCR360 spherical imaging system. The approval of this patent demonstrates the company’s continued commitment to developing innovative, purpose-built technology for law enforcement and the public sector.

police officer with badge

How is the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office in Arkansas Using OSCR360?

The Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office in Arkansas purchased OSCR360 in early 2020. Since then, the system has assisted the department in all different types of cases. Our team recently had the opportunity to touch base with Sergeant Eric Cheatham to hear his feedback on the system. Cheatham, a twenty-year law enforcement veteran, began his career with the Arkansas State Police and currently serves as a Detective in Lawrence County SO’s Criminal Investigations Division.

Morgantown Police Department, WV

How is OSCR360 assisting the Morgantown Police Department in West Virginia?

For Detective Stallings and his team, OSCR360 easily brings them back to the scene, which had previously been difficult to accomplish with still photographs.

Now, they are able to drop OSCR in the middle of a room and, just a few moments later, have an interactive 360-view to revisit and share with others. Detective Stallings also explained that OSCR software features such as automatic GPS point plotting and overlaying floorplans are integral tools that his team appreciates.

See how the department is using the OSCR system..
