crime scene lighting HDR

Crime Scene Lighting with OSCR360: The Benefits of HDR

Lighting is one of the most crucial elements of forensic photography. In order to gain the proper exposure and a fair and accurate picture of a scene, it’s important to consider: current lighting, how your equipment may adapt, and what you can do to achieve optimal crime scene lighting. Discover more about HDR capabilities and crime scene lighting in this blog.

crime scene investigations

What is Photographic Evidence vs. Digital Evidence?

Photographic evidence consists of the images captured by an investigator or forensic photographer at a crime scene that indicate critical information about the crime. A crime scene photographer has the responsibility to preserve a scene and document evidence exactly as it was originally found, with no room for interpretation.

Marketing & Sales Collaboration: The winning formula for a small business campaign

What a year 2020 has been. Amidst everything happening in the world, and at our company, L-Tron was awarded the Rochester AMA Pinnacle award for “Best Small Business Campaign.” We attribute this to the collaborative efforts of our sales & marketing teams, and our ability to adapt & remain agile during uncertain times.

On Scene with OSCR360: Desktop Software Assists in a Homicide Investigation

The investigations division of a Florida Sheriff’s Department is just one of the many agencies who recognized the benefits of the OSCR360 desktop software right from the start. While demoing OSCR360, one detective mentioned to me that they were working on a particularly controversial case involving multiple murders, circumstantial evidence, and more. The department was in the process of putting together a case overview – read how OSCR helped

OSCR360 featured in Evidence Tech Magazine

Press Release: Evidence Tech Magazine Highlights OSCR360 in May/June Toolkit

L-Tron Corporation is pleased to announce that OSCR360 has been featured in the May/June 2020 edition of Evidence Technology Magazine (ETM). The publication included OSCR360 in its “Tool Kit: Evidence Management” article, in a section entitled, “Preserving the Evidence (and Scene) with 360° Imagery.”

NYS Innovation Summit

L-Tron to Exhibit at NYS Innovation Summit

L-Tron & OSCR360 are getting ready to exhibit at the NYS Innovation Summit. Held annually, this year’s summit is at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center, October 7th and 8th 2019.
