On Scene with OSCR360: Desktop Software Assists in a Homicide Investigation

The investigations division of a Florida Sheriff’s Department is just one of the many agencies who recognized the benefits of the OSCR360 desktop software right from the start. While demoing OSCR360, one detective mentioned to me that they were working on a particularly controversial case involving multiple murders, circumstantial evidence, and more. The department was in the process of putting together a case overview – read how OSCR helped

What is environmental Justice?

What is Environmental Justice?

What is environmental justice? Whether law or potential lawlessness, disconnect between environmental social movements and government regulatory efforts lays in philosophy & approach toward the public’s best interests. The term “environmental justice” first appeared in the 1980’s. Its concepts, however, started with creation of the U.S. Forest Service

What is OSCR360? Everything to Everyone

What is OSCR360? Everything to Everyone

What is OSCR360? One tool that does everything. From Spork to Swiss army knife, since at least (201-300 A.D.) the human race has crammed convenience and functionality into singular forms. Whether gear, or strategic approach, today the “multi-tool” reigns supreme. In the public safety sector, the OSCR360 spherical photographic solution, began as a multi-tool, but …

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