NYS Traffic Safety Conference winner

Can Anyone Use OSCR360? A First-Time OSCR360 User Documents an Event

We asked one of our newer team members to bring OSCR360 along to document a conference. We captured pre-conference set-up, photos during the event, and built an OSCR project with points of interest…all right there at the conference.

Check out our time at ESLETS, documented by a first-time OSCR360 user.

Estes Park in Larimer County, CO

How is the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office using OSCR360 to document crime scenes & to keep their community safe?

Larimer County Sheriff’s Office has been using OSCR360 regularly for just over 2 years since the system was first purchased by the agency’s Investigations Unit. Though LCSO also owns a laser scanner, the Investigations Unit prefers to use OSCR360 as often as possible, since OSCR’s documentation process is much faster. To date, the team has investigated a variety of crime scenes, including sexual assaults, search warrants and suspicious deaths with OSCR360. 

Press Release: L-Tron Returns from Florida IAI Investigations Conference

The L-Tron team has returned from this year’s Florida IAI Investigations Conference. The FDIAI (Florida International Association for Identification) Conference took place October 9-14 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel, in Orlando. The event drew a large crowd of investigators, detectives and law enforcement professionals. See more here..

Morgantown Police Department, WV

How is OSCR360 assisting the Morgantown Police Department in West Virginia?

For Detective Stallings and his team, OSCR360 easily brings them back to the scene, which had previously been difficult to accomplish with still photographs.

Now, they are able to drop OSCR in the middle of a room and, just a few moments later, have an interactive 360-view to revisit and share with others. Detective Stallings also explained that OSCR software features such as automatic GPS point plotting and overlaying floorplans are integral tools that his team appreciates.

See how the department is using the OSCR system..

crime scene investigations

What is Photographic Evidence vs. Digital Evidence?

Photographic evidence consists of the images captured by an investigator or forensic photographer at a crime scene that indicate critical information about the crime. A crime scene photographer has the responsibility to preserve a scene and document evidence exactly as it was originally found, with no room for interpretation.

18+ Ways to Fund your OSCR360

18+ Ways to Fund your OSCR360

18+ Ways to Fund your OSCR360 OSCR360 has been traveling the country, assisting Officers with everything from crime scene documentation and active shooter pre-planning to arson investigations and hunting-related shootings and more. The OSCR360 capture kit and desktop software allows users to capture overalls of their scenes quickly, and then these 360-degree images act as …

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What is OSCR360? Everything to Everyone

What is OSCR360? Everything to Everyone

What is OSCR360? One tool that does everything. From Spork to Swiss army knife, since at least (201-300 A.D.) the human race has crammed convenience and functionality into singular forms. Whether gear, or strategic approach, today the “multi-tool” reigns supreme. In the public safety sector, the OSCR360 spherical photographic solution, began as a multi-tool, but …

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