how employers can retain millennials

What Millennials Look for in an Employer, Part 3

This is the last and third part in our “What do Millennials Look for in an Employer” series. You can read Part 1 here, which discusses the desire for workplace flexibility. You can read Part 2 here, which discusses the need for workplace transparency and the need to better oneself. This last part in the …

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millennials in the workforce

What Millennials Look for in an Employer, Part 2

  In Part 1 of this blog series, we addressed the desire of Millennials to have flexibility in the workplace, with opportunities to work remotely as needed, while not sacrificing the job security and a healthy work/home life balance. Today, we will delve into the desire for transparency between bosses and employees, as well as …

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What Millennials Look for in an Employer, Part 1

Understanding exactly what “kids these days” want from an employer has been a hot button issue for the last few years, especially as Millennials have been entering the workforce in larger numbers. This new generation, like previous generations, is coming into the workplace with their own goals, hopes, and dreams. Companies are rushing to adjust …

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millennials in the workforce

How to Retain Millennials in Your Workforce

(A 3 minute read…) Millennials are a unique demographic. The people born between 1981 and 2000 number 83.1 million Americans, eclipsing the 75.4 million Baby Boomers who have dominated consumerism since they became adults. According to Pew Research, America’s workforce is now comprised of: 53.5 million Millennials 52.7 GenXers and 44.6 million Baby Boomers With …

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