The History of Crime Scene Photography

The History of Crime Scene Photography

What is the History of Crime Scene Photography? Where did it all begin? Belgian convicts and a persnickety French police records clerk can be credited with the very origins of modern crime scene photography. No, they didn’t invent it, but like any emerging technology, the way it was used put it on the map. First …

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Focus Forward Promo for new 4910LR Magnetic Mount

Press Release: L-Tron’s Focus Forward Promo Stresses Officer Safety

  Press Release: L-Tron’s Focus Forward Promo Stresses Officer Safety   L-Tron announces a new promotion with officer safety in mind for its best-selling 4910LR Driver’s License Reader for Law Enforcement. Throughout the month of May, L-Tron is giving away one free Magnetic Mount (a $29.50 value) with every 4910LR purchase to kick-off its “Focus …

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Crime Scene Photography Color and white balance

True & Accurate Police Photography, Part 5: Color and White Balance

True & Accurate Police Photography, Part 5: Color and White Balance Welcome back to our blog series on police photography. If you’re joining us for the first time, you can catch up by beginning with Part 1 of the series, here. “They give us those nice bright colors  They give us the greens of summers  Makes …

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what are the components of a pre-accident plan

LE Pre-Planning, Part 2: The Components of a Pre-Accident Plan

What are the major components of a pre-accident plan?   As discussed in LE Pre-Planning, Part 1, a pre-accident plan is important for public safety agencies, government organizations, schools and private companies alike. In the unimaginable occurrence of a critical incident, such as an active shooter scene, a pre-accident plan can be the difference between …

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What is the purpose of a pre-accident plan?

LE Pre-Planning, Part 1: What is the Purpose of a Pre-accident Plan?

What is the purpose of a pre-accident plan? How can you prepare for the unthinkable?   These days, the term, “active shooter,” is far too commonplace. For first responders, the term “active shooter” can mean a potential threat to their survival. First responders better their chances of survival by continually exploring ways to prepare for …

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True and Accurate Police Photography, Part 4: Meter & Metering Modes

True & Accurate Police Photography, Part 4: Metering Modes

True & Accurate Police Photography, Part 4: Metering & Metering Modes Welcome back to our blog series on police photography. If you’re joining us for the first time, you can catch up by beginning with Part 1 of the series, here. Now, onto Part 4 – where we will discuss metering & metering modes Photography …

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Police Photography, Part 3: Camera Lenses

True & Accurate Police Photography, Part 3: Camera Lenses

True & Accurate Police Photography, Part 3: Camera Lenses In our first blog, we discussed camera modes and how to make the best choice as a forensic photographer. Then, in our most recent blog, we discussed the importance of making good photography choices – camera mode, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. An equally important, but …

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What technology has affected the criminal justice system. Officer on laptop

What technology has affected the criminal justice system?

  During this ‘age of tech,’ what technology has affected the criminal justice system?   Few aspects of life in the 21st century remain untouched by technology. Among the slowest to adapt, adopt, or innovate technology, is the criminal justice system. You’d think that would be the one we’d want to be the fastest. Instead, …

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Police Photography Camera Exposure Controls

True & Accurate Police Photography, Part 2: Camera Exposure Controls

TANSTAAFL (There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch) This time-honored mnemonic applies to many fields. In photography, it means that everything is a trade-off. This is especially true in forensic photography, where a “true and accurate representation” is the price of admission to the courtroom. Many photographers try for their “free lunch” by …

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Police Photography - Camera Modes

True and Accurate Police Photography, Part 1: Camera Modes

Forensic photography is not snapshot photography. It’s intentionally not artful. It isn’t intended to show things in their best light. Done properly, it shows things exactly as they are. In court, that’s called a “true and accurate representation” of the subject. Police Photography is an essential task for crime scene documentation, yet is rarely mastered. …

True and Accurate Police Photography, Part 1: Camera Modes Read More »
