Keep your Law Enforcement Agency Technology Current

3 Ways to Keep your Law Enforcement Agency Technology Current

The history of crime mapping, body-worn cameras, police drones and other Law Enforcement technology parallels the history of civilian technology; it began a few decades ago, took off rapidly and hasn’t stopped since. It can be daunting to stay on top of current trends and weed out what technology is here to stay and worth investing in. Here are 3 ways to keep your Law Enforcement Agency technology current.

How is Technology used in being a lawyer

How is Technology used in being a Lawyer?

On their own, or as the member of a large firm, how a lawyer uses technology today is crucial to their business and career survival. Learn more about how Lawyers use Tech every day.

writing a traffic citation vs ticket

What is the difference between a Traffic Citation vs Ticket ?

Labor Day weekend is quickly approaching. In addition to writing a shopping list for your end of summer picnic or celebration, keep in mind that law enforcement agencies will be out in full force writing tickets over the three (or four) day weekend. Drive safely! If you do have the misfortune of getting pulled over, this article may be of some help.

Police Officer Patrol Car Equipment

Roadside Safety, Part 3: Officer Patrol Car Equipment

Roadside Safety, Part 3: Officer Patrol Car Equipment In case you missed it, you can read part I of our Roadside Safety series here.   Office. Workspace. Cubicle. Whatever you want to call it, you don’t hear these words and think “danger,” do you? For police officers, patrol vehicles are their mobile workspaces. Officers spend …

Roadside Safety, Part 3: Officer Patrol Car Equipment Read More »

police educator cooperation with oscr360

Police and Educator Cooperation: Partnering for Preparedness with OSCR360

Empowering First Responders – Police and Educator Cooperation. Few question the value of interaction between police and schools. But some reject the idea of a School Resource Officer for an entire district, never mind each school. Hear from three agencies partnering with schools and universities proactively planning for active shooter incidents.

Camera Selection for Forensic Photography

True & Accurate Police Photography, Part 7: Camera Selection

In our first blog, we discussed camera modes and how to make the best choice as a forensic photographer. Then, we discussed the importance of making good photography choices – regarding exposure controls, camera lenses, metering modes and more. Now, we will jump into camera selection – specific to forensic photography. “Size matters not. Judge me by my …

True & Accurate Police Photography, Part 7: Camera Selection Read More »
