Inside L-Tron

L-Tron’s 2022 Year in Review

2023 is coming. What challenges are you facing and what projects are you planning for in the coming year? Are you anticipating purchasing new patrol cars, or updating your evidence management system? Are you struggling to update your hardware technology given a lack of global inventory? We are here and happy to help. Check out a few of our own big accomplishments in our 2022 year in review.

Your Success is our Purpose: How does L-Tron incorporate client feedback into everything that we do?

Historically, some of L-Tron’s most successful projects have stemmed from the ideas and requirements of our clients.

Our ability to listen to our clients, collaborate with them and respond accordingly sets us apart. How do we work with our customers? How does L-Tron incorporate client feedback into everything that we do?

Press Release: L-Tron Recognized as Zebra Technologies “Supplies Specialist”

L-Tron, a long-time Zebra™ business partner, is pleased to announce that the company has recently been recognized as a Zebra Supplies Specialist. This title publicly acknowledges L-Tron’s knowledge, expertise, and support of Zebra media, labels and supplies products. The recognition complements a thriving business partnership between L-Tron and Zebra that has spanned more than two decades.

Traceability Only Works When your Barcode Labels Work

Though we may take them for granted today, barcodes have been a game-changer for companies over the years. In fact, it’s hard to even recall the times when inventory and asset tracking involved pen and paper. Traceability – and the supply chain process as a whole – have certainly come a long way, all due …

Traceability Only Works When your Barcode Labels Work Read More »

Warehousing Challenges, Part 1: Current Purchasing Trends

Warehousing Challenges, Part 1: Current Purchasing Trends

Warehousing Challenges, Part 1: Current Purchasing Trends. Consumers today are more connected, which means they have higher expectations than ever before. Along with shopping in-store, consumers may choose to shop from computers, tablets and mobile devices.

three steps to growing your business with data

L-Tron Data Series, Part 5: Three Steps to Growing Your Business with Data

So far, this blog series has covered everything from “big data” and where to find data, to why data is important. Today’s topic will delve into using data to proactively grow your business (although the same steps will likely be taken if you are using data to react to a workplace problem, as well).
