Advantech eAutomation

5 Reasons IT Departments Should Consider an Industrial PC

Information Technology (IT) Departments are the front line for most of the hardware configuration, software installation, physical implementations, and service of PCs within their company’s facilities. As I have become more involved with IT Departments at a customer level, I have realized the importance of providing a quality PC solution that will result in improved user …

5 Reasons IT Departments Should Consider an Industrial PC Read More »

embedded pc and hmi

3 Reasons Why Pairing an Embedded PC with your HMI is the Right Move

With the increase in demand for diversified HMI (Human Machine Interface) PCs, I thought that it was important to address the three reasons why pairing an Embedded PC with your HMI is the right move to make. 1.  Everything Wrapped in One Application software can be demanding on the integrated hardware driving it, which is …

3 Reasons Why Pairing an Embedded PC with your HMI is the Right Move Read More »

Advantech ADAM Remote IO Modules

5 Tips for Selecting the Correct Advantech Remote I/O Module-Part III

In Part I and Part II of Selecting the Correct Advantech Remote I/O Module, I addressed Determining Physical Interface and Supported Protocols. In Part III, I will cover Analog/Digital, Input/Out and Number of Channels. It’s important to address these areas so that there is no discrepancy in the differences between Analog and Digital, the Input and …

5 Tips for Selecting the Correct Advantech Remote I/O Module-Part III Read More »

5 Advantages of Industrial Widescreen HMI

It all started with standard retail LCDs, but I still never saw this coming….. Advantech Industrial Widescreen HMIs. I expected it would take a lot longer for industrial manufacturers to get on-board with newer technology due to the amount of time and money required to make the move. Apparently, those manufacturers have seen the value of doing so, …

5 Advantages of Industrial Widescreen HMI Read More »

Need an I/O Intensive Industrial Flat Panel Monitor? You got it!

Most industrial monitors, touch panel computers and panel PCs do include some mixture of I/O. In a lot of applications, the I/O required is more extensive than what most monitors can provide. A hardware solution I have found valuable to many customers over the years is a fully configured UNO Embedded Automation PC combined with …

Need an I/O Intensive Industrial Flat Panel Monitor? You got it! Read More »

Widescreen Industrial HMI is More Than a New Fad

New technology sure knows how to get people’s attention. Think of those long lines of shoppers camping out the night before the release of a new product and I think you’ll agree. Or the buzz all over social media during the weeks before a highly-anticipated new device is unveiled. Or the countless number of people …

Widescreen Industrial HMI is More Than a New Fad Read More »

How to Choose the Correct HMI for your Application

As with any big purchase, it is often difficult to choose the “best” option. I sometimes drive myself crazy researching my options and trying to determine how to get the most bang for my buck. Well, as many of my clients have shared with me, there are times when it isn’t easy to select the …

How to Choose the Correct HMI for your Application Read More »

Give Thanks: SCADA Made Easy!

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, I’m sure that many of you are thinking about things in our lives to be thankful for, and today I have one more thing to add to your list. This post is for those of you who have struggled with developing SCADA HMI applications. Here is some help for you! Although it’s not quite as simple as …

Give Thanks: SCADA Made Easy! Read More »

Touch Panel Computers: Seamless Interaction Between Humans & Machines

These days, most people expect a high degree of interaction with their smartphone, tablet and even their computer screen. Now touch panel computers offer fast-paced interaction between the machine and the human, satisfying increasing customer demand to interact seamlessly with their technology. Once primarily the domain of laboratories and factories, touch panel screen computers have …

Touch Panel Computers: Seamless Interaction Between Humans & Machines Read More »
