Data Collection System 7 — The Right Equipment For The Job

Can I get a show of hands?  How many of you have dropped your phones in the parking lot, down the steps, in the toilet, etc?  Your whole life is on your phone: contact list, appointments, photos, and more.  In many cases, your phone may also contain business informaion, such as customer and order information, which affects …

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Handheld Computer Battery Chargers and Other Useful Accessories

Whether you are in the market for OR a current owner of a mobile/handheld computer, you may interested in exploring some of the types of accessories available to make your life easier.  Did you know that a handheld computer battery is easily rechargeable, even when you are on the road?  Did you know that you can …

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Improving Handheld Computer Battery Life

It can be so frustrating when you are in the middle of an important project and your handheld computer battery dies.  Below, I have jotted down some tips that I have found useful for extending the life of my rechargeable Lithium Ion batteries.  These batteries are often used in both handheld computers and scanners, among other devices. Lithium Battery Storage: Lithium Ion battery packs …

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How To Select A Warehouse Handheld Computer

Trying to determine the right handheld computer for your warehouse workers?  Here are some questions you may want to ask. How rugged does the handheld computer need to be? Warehouses have dust, dirt, water, and concrete floors.  For this reason, devices are given an IP rating, or International Protection Rating.  IP ratings classify the degree of …

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