The History of Crime Scene Photography

Press Release: L-Tron to Sponsor International Forensic Photography Symposium

The L-Tron team will be sponsoring and presenting at the third annual International Forensic Photography Symposium, which will take place virtually from January 22-25, 2024. The symposium will cover the latest and most advanced forensic photography solutions and techniques in the industry today. L-Tron’s Andrew McNeill, an experienced forensics photographer of over 20 years, is scheduled to present his talk, “Spherical Photography for Crime Scene Documentation,” at 1:30 PM on January 24.

crime scene lighting HDR

Crime Scene Lighting with OSCR360: The Benefits of HDR

Lighting is one of the most crucial elements of forensic photography. In order to gain the proper exposure and a fair and accurate picture of a scene, it’s important to consider: current lighting, how your equipment may adapt, and what you can do to achieve optimal crime scene lighting. Discover more about HDR capabilities and crime scene lighting in this blog.

Police Photography Camera Exposure Controls

True & Accurate Police Photography, Part 2: Camera Exposure Controls

TANSTAAFL (There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch) This time-honored mnemonic applies to many fields. In photography, it means that everything is a trade-off. This is especially true in forensic photography, where a “true and accurate representation” is the price of admission to the courtroom. Many photographers try for their “free lunch” by …

True & Accurate Police Photography, Part 2: Camera Exposure Controls Read More »

Police Photography - Camera Modes

True and Accurate Police Photography, Part 1: Camera Modes

Forensic photography is not snapshot photography. It’s intentionally not artful. It isn’t intended to show things in their best light. Done properly, it shows things exactly as they are. In court, that’s called a “true and accurate representation” of the subject. Police Photography is an essential task for crime scene documentation, yet is rarely mastered. …

True and Accurate Police Photography, Part 1: Camera Modes Read More »
