Estes Park in Larimer County, CO

How is the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office using OSCR360 to document crime scenes & to keep their community safe?

Larimer County Sheriff’s Office has been using OSCR360 regularly for just over 2 years since the system was first purchased by the agency’s Investigations Unit. Though LCSO also owns a laser scanner, the Investigations Unit prefers to use OSCR360 as often as possible, since OSCR’s documentation process is much faster. To date, the team has investigated a variety of crime scenes, including sexual assaults, search warrants and suspicious deaths with OSCR360. 

National First Responders Day

Above and Beyond: On National First Responder Day and Every Day

A career as a first responder can be a thankless job. This year, the very first National First Responders Day is coming up on Thursday October 28, 2021. This marks a great opportunity to show our first responders that we care. L-Tron would like to share a few positive stories from our team members, as well as some practical ways that we can all show support to the first responders in our communities.

What is pre-planning?

What is Pre-Planning?

Back in April, I wrote about the purpose of a “pre-accident plan.”  Before an accident?  Defies reason.  You can’t plan for an accident, otherwise it’s not an accident.  Sort of “accidently on purpose.” Every discipline has its own unique terms often borrowed from somewhere else, but if there’s one word that spans every profession and industry, it’s “plan.” 

what are the components of a pre-accident plan

LE Pre-Planning, Part 2: The Components of a Pre-Accident Plan

What are the major components of a pre-accident plan?   As discussed in LE Pre-Planning, Part 1, a pre-accident plan is important for public safety agencies, government organizations, schools and private companies alike. In the unimaginable occurrence of a critical incident, such as an active shooter scene, a pre-accident plan can be the difference between …

LE Pre-Planning, Part 2: The Components of a Pre-Accident Plan Read More »

What is the purpose of a pre-accident plan?

LE Pre-Planning, Part 1: What is the Purpose of a Pre-accident Plan?

What is the purpose of a pre-accident plan? How can you prepare for the unthinkable?   These days, the term, “active shooter,” is far too commonplace. For first responders, the term “active shooter” can mean a potential threat to their survival. First responders better their chances of survival by continually exploring ways to prepare for …

LE Pre-Planning, Part 1: What is the Purpose of a Pre-accident Plan? Read More »

Police Officers & Suicide

Mental Health: How Suicide Calls can Affect Officers

False narratives disguised as advice are dangerous.   New York Times comprehensive coverage of suicide after the deaths of fashion designer Kate Spade and chef Anthony Bourdain held one disappointment. In the piece “What to Do When a Loved One Is Severely Depressed,” a mental health expert offers that in some cases, calling 911 may …

Mental Health: How Suicide Calls can Affect Officers Read More »
