2019 Employee Anniversaries

L-Tron Celebrates 2019 Employee Anniversaries.

Happy Work-iversary! On Wednesday, July 3rd, the L-Tron team threw a party to celebrate our amazing employees. Their hard work and dedication is what allows us to provide exceptional service and create quality solutions. We consider the office a family and we love to celebrate each other’s achievements!

receiving and Sortation in warehouse

The Warehouse That Works (for you); Part II

Up your Game: Easy, Manageable Steps to get More out of your Warehouse Operation Simple process improvements through automation deliver results As promised in Part I, automating receiving is a smart, effective and easy way to begin automating your warehouse. Benefits of automation accrue across the entire warehouse and operation. Automation = Accurate Receive, Sort …

The Warehouse That Works (for you); Part II Read More »

millennials in the workforce

4 Reasons Why Employee Development is a Big Benefit

(A 2 minute read) Millennials now represent the largest generational population in the workforce. These young people, born between 1980 and 2000, bring with them a different set of priorities and values than Baby Boomers and even Gen Xers. No longer is salary the most inviting carrot to dangle in front of a desirable job …

4 Reasons Why Employee Development is a Big Benefit Read More »

millennials in the workforce

How to Retain Millennials in Your Workforce

(A 3 minute read…) Millennials are a unique demographic. The people born between 1981 and 2000 number 83.1 million Americans, eclipsing the 75.4 million Baby Boomers who have dominated consumerism since they became adults. According to Pew Research, America’s workforce is now comprised of: 53.5 million Millennials 52.7 GenXers and 44.6 million Baby Boomers With …

How to Retain Millennials in Your Workforce Read More »
