The layers of school safety - jr high entrance

The Layers of School Safety & Where OSCR360 Comes into Play

School safety can be complex.

There is the detailed process of integrating safety components into a school’s emergency response plans. A broad spectrum of potential emergency situations needs to be considered. These plans need to be shared with staff, first responders, and approved community stakeholders. Finally, school staff and first responders must be trained in how to implement each part of every plan, should an emergency arise.

See how OSCR360 can fit into the various layers of school safety, your emergency plans, training and more.

assist your school facilities management team - front of building with fire hydrant

How does OSCR360 Assist your School Facilities Management Team?

OSCR360 is being adopted by school districts all over the country. These schools intend to use OSCR to plan and train for emergencies, to collaborate with first responders and improve school safety.

What schools may not realize, however, is that this multipurpose tool adds great value in another area: facilities management. See more on how OSCR360 can assist your school facilities and building management team.
