The Golf Conundrum: Why Are You Not Using RFID?

Wouldn’t this be cool? You’re standing at the golf tee, hit what looks like it’s a beauty of a shot, and then suddenly it shanks right into some mini forest that the groundskeeper decided needed to be on the side of the fairway because this par four wasn’t quite hard enough. Normally the ball would …

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Are Rapid Application Development Tools Worth It?

Step right up.  Be the first kid on your block to develop an application in less time than it takes to write your name.  No need to be a programmer.  Simple interfaces and fast deployment…You’ve heard it all.  Is this the greatest thing since sliced bread? While it is true that you don’t have to be …

Are Rapid Application Development Tools Worth It? Read More »

Bulk Up Your Company’s Offensive Line with Data Collection Equipment

Can you believe how quickly the year’s end is approaching?  When you take a look at your budget, you see that your money is tight, but you’ve kept a good handle on things.  However, you also notice that you are limping along in regards to your: (a) current software system, (b) current data collection equipment, (c) antiquated processes and …

Bulk Up Your Company’s Offensive Line with Data Collection Equipment Read More »

Electronic Medical Records vs. Electronic Health Records

Most healthcare providers have heard about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).  An important component of the ARRA comes from the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act.  This component of HITECH provides incentives to encourage information technology across the healthcare industry.  Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems and Electronic Health Records …

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Data Collection System 7 — The Right Equipment For The Job

Can I get a show of hands?  How many of you have dropped your phones in the parking lot, down the steps, in the toilet, etc?  Your whole life is on your phone: contact list, appointments, photos, and more.  In many cases, your phone may also contain business informaion, such as customer and order information, which affects …

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Barcode Scanner Interface: Connect and Communicate

Did you know that there are multiple types of computers that you can attach a barcode scanner to?  The following post is intended to cover the most common barcode scanner interface options, primarily as they relate to the PC, but is by no means inclusive of all interface options.  It’s important to note up front that …

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We Need To Talk…Managing a Data Collection Project

Come on, admit it.  You thought this was a topic on relationships and getting in touch with your feelings, didn’t you?  Well, in a sense, it is–at least, the former, anyway. Ok, we all really, really fear hearing those words from our significant others.  We are in cruise mode thinking everything is fine.  Then, out …

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Stone Age Data Collection System 6 — Planning a Successful Project

OK, I will start off with an overused, but appropriate, cliché: Those who fail to plan should plan to fail.  There are variations of this phrase just as there are variations of plans.  So, what is a “proper plan” when it comes to a data collection system?  Before we get into this, let’s take a …

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Stone Age Data Collection System 5 — Justification

You have done a bunch of homework, and you realize that you really, really, really need an efficient method of getting data into your information systems.  The important questions of how, what, why, where, and when have been answered.  The preliminary design and plan have been proposed.  It is finally time for a data collection …

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