In what ways is a crime scene documented?

In what ways is a crime scene documented?

There’s a certain “Zen” in what ways a crime scene is documented. Thinking behind documentation – “finding mindful awareness of the present” – is as important as methods used. An investigator can have all the current tech available to document a crime, but if they aren’t “in the moment,” their case can fall apart.

Spherical Images

It’s All About Perspective, Part 2 – Spherical Images

  Spherical 360-degree photography is revolutionizing crime scene evidence capture and courtroom presentation. In addition to capturing the crime scene with minimal disturbance and catering to today’s demands for hi-tech courtrooms, as discussed in “It’s all about Perspective Part One: Courtroom Perspective,” 360-degree spherical images have several outstanding applications.   A Virtual Reality Tool Spherical photography …

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Courtroom Perspective

It’s All About Perspective Part 1 – Courtroom Perspective

Perspective /pər’ spektiv/ n. a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. It’s All About Courtroom Perspective In the courtroom, it is the attorney’s job to influence the attitudes of the jury, and deliver a conviction by presenting solid evidence. Traditionally, courtroom perspective has been influenced by verbal testimony, still …

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