How is OSCR360 Different from a Laser Scanner?
Not a Total Station, not a 3D laser scanner, & priced to fit your budget, OSCR360 is a unique investigative tool used to capture crime or crash scene evidence as seen by the investigator.
Not a Total Station, not a 3D laser scanner, & priced to fit your budget, OSCR360 is a unique investigative tool used to capture crime or crash scene evidence as seen by the investigator.
Now that OSCR360 has been around for a few months – and getting lots of use by dozens of municipalities in New York State – we’ve had a chance to get some user feedback. After all, we pride ourselves in developing solutions and equipment that directly reflect what our customers want! While chatting with those …
Last month, I had the opportunity to travel with OSCR360 to Gettysburg, PA for the 2017 Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) Reconstruction Seminar. . The PSP Reconstruction Seminar attracted over 350 attendees and was free to active Law Enforcement reconstructionists. I had a great time at the conference with my co-workers Alex and Chuck, a retired sergeant …
What it was like to Capture Crashes with OSCR360 at the PSP Reconstruction Seminar Read More »
There are several key components of a comprehensive crash investigation. The first officer to arrive at a crash typically finds it chaotic at best. As in any situation, the officer’s first priority is the preservation of life. Second is the preservation of the scene and any possible evidence. Once the scene is secured and victims …
Key Components of a Comprehensive Crash Investigation Read More »