Daubert & Frye Admissible Evidence

Daubert & Frye: The History Behind Admissible Evidence

The question of courtroom admissibility is a hot topic – and for good reason. Prosecutors require strong evidence to obtain a conviction, whereas defense attorneys are seeking a “not guilty” verdict, or better yet, the case dismissed. When evidence gets thrown out by the court, it’s a huge win for the defense.

When it comes to admitting digital and photographic evidence into a courtroom to be used in a criminal case, there are four criteria each piece of evidence must meet: accuracy, authenticity, originality, and relevancy. 

How to become a district attorney investigator

How to Become a District Attorney Investigator: The 4 R’s

How to Become a District Attorney Investigator: The 4 R’s  Reliable district attorney investigators are essential in today’s criminal justice system. This blog outlines the 4R’s of becoming a district attorney investigator: the role, the requirements, the responsibilities and the resources you may need.  How to Become a District Attorney Investigator: The Role   As a …

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technology tools in the courtroom

Technology Tools in the Courtroom

Is technology important in the courtroom? According to  research reported a Superior Court Judge in the District of Columbia, “94% of surveyed jurors agreed or strongly agreed ‘Overall, the use of technology tools in the courtroom improved my ability to serve as a juror in this case.’”

How is Technology used in being a lawyer

How is Technology used in being a Lawyer?

On their own, or as the member of a large firm, how a lawyer uses technology today is crucial to their business and career survival. Learn more about how Lawyers use Tech every day.

Courtroom Perspective

It’s All About Perspective Part 1 – Courtroom Perspective

Perspective /pər’ spektiv/ n. a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. It’s All About Courtroom Perspective In the courtroom, it is the attorney’s job to influence the attitudes of the jury, and deliver a conviction by presenting solid evidence. Traditionally, courtroom perspective has been influenced by verbal testimony, still …

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