The Impact of Poor Barcode Labels on Manufacturing Operations: Common mistakes and how to avoid them

The Impact of Poor Barcode Labels on Manufacturing Operations: Common mistakes and how to avoid them

Without barcode labels, the manufacturing floor would not be as efficient, plain and simple. In fact, barcode labels have such a significant impact that using the “right” or “wrong” barcode labels can make or break your manufacturing operations.

Despite their best intentions, it isn’t uncommon for manufacturers to make barcode label-related errors. Here are some common mistakes, and tips on how to prevent them:

The Importance of Barcode Labels for Inventory Management and Product Tracking

Barcode labels can help streamline every step of the supply chain process. Whether you are utilizing labels for inventory tracking, shipping and receiving, or another component of your business process, they must hold up to your environment and meet your organization’s unique requirements.

Choosing the right barcode labels can be a game-changer and can make a huge difference in your business’ ROI.

barcode label vs. sticker healthcare

Labels vs. Stickers

This is a frequent question from our clients – and one that our team often chuckles at. Stickers and labels may seem synonymous because they both “stick” to objects. However, there are not-so-obvious similarities & differences between the two.

Barcode label printer

The Hidden Costs of Barcode Printing Supplies

Business owners and managers are bombarded with choices on a daily basis. If you’re in charge of printers, barcode labels, and media, you probably know exactly what I mean. The world of barcode label printing can be overwhelming. How can you ensure that you have the right barcode labels for your business’ unique needs?

Thermal Barcode Printing 101

A thermal printer prints with heat, as you would expect. There are two types of thermal barcode printers, and the difference between the two is determined by the method in which the heat is applied by the print head (the print head is the portion of the printer that comes in contact with the label or ribbon).

How to Pick the Right Software – Barcode Label Software

In this series, I will give you a few ideas on what to consider or, better yet, what to ask when you are exploring new software or replacing old software. Let’s be clear that this is not going to be a checklist on full-blown ERP, MRP, or CRM systems. These articles will be geared toward …

How to Pick the Right Software – Barcode Label Software Read More »

Expand the Use of Bar Codes To Your Vendors

If your manufacturing business is like most today, you are probably always looking for ways to save time, cut costs and run a more efficient company.  Have you considered the benefits of receiving shipments from your suppliers with ship manifests that already contain bar codes?  Would you like to speed up the receiving  process and eliminate re-keying …

Expand the Use of Bar Codes To Your Vendors Read More »
