The Golf Conundrum: Why Are You Not Using RFID?

Wouldn’t this be cool? You’re standing at the golf tee, hit what looks like it’s a beauty of a shot, and then suddenly it shanks right into some mini forest that the groundskeeper decided needed to be on the side of the fairway because this par four wasn’t quite hard enough. Normally the ball would …

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Bulk Up Your Company’s Offensive Line with Data Collection Equipment

Can you believe how quickly the year’s end is approaching?  When you take a look at your budget, you see that your money is tight, but you’ve kept a good handle on things.  However, you also notice that you are limping along in regards to your: (a) current software system, (b) current data collection equipment, (c) antiquated processes and …

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Automation Software Installation Prep Work

Any type of large IT system project can be daunting and there is always a ton of prep work to be done beforehand.  Take automation software projects, for instance.  You need to factor in many different considerations before beginning your project.  The same goes for home renovation projects.  And, the prep work is not only up front.  …

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Automating Your Mobile Employees

So you’re feeling positive about your operations since you automated many of your internal systems. What happens when one of your employee’s jobs takes them away from their computer? Imagine this scenario: They have to find something in the warehouse. They have to deliver product to a customer. They make a sales call. If these …

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Reducing Paperwork Clutter For Higher Business Efficiency!

Take a look around your business to see how paperwork is being shuffled around the office.  How many filing cabinets do you have filled with orders, invoices, bills, proposals, diagrams, and other paperwork?  Perhaps you take existing paperwork and scan it all into an electronic repository?  How much time is spent rekeying this paperwork and …

Reducing Paperwork Clutter For Higher Business Efficiency! Read More »

Why Businesses Use Tablet PCs for Paperwork

Popularity of Tablet Computers Have you noticed how popular tablet computers are these days?  It seems that tablets are not only in the home and education environments, but also in the business and government settings.  The use of tablet PCs for paperwork is becomming more prevalent, as well.  Here are some of the factors that are driving this increase …

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