Reducing Paperwork Clutter For Higher Business Efficiency!

Take a look around your business to see how paperwork is being shuffled around the office.  How many filing cabinets do you have filled with orders, invoices, bills, proposals, diagrams, and other paperwork?  Perhaps you take existing paperwork and scan it all into an electronic repository?  How much time is spent rekeying this paperwork and …

Reducing Paperwork Clutter For Higher Business Efficiency! Read More »

Why Businesses Use Tablet PCs for Paperwork

Popularity of Tablet Computers Have you noticed how popular tablet computers are these days?  It seems that tablets are not only in the home and education environments, but also in the business and government settings.  The use of tablet PCs for paperwork is becomming more prevalent, as well.  Here are some of the factors that are driving this increase …

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