Assets, Inventory, and Everything in Between

(a 3 minute read…) Companies often find themselves in a tight spot when it comes to keeping track of “physical things” owned by the business. In most instances, there will be a lot of “things” to keep track of, so keeping tabs on everything can be daunting. The good news is that Asset Management Systems …

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IoT for Manufacturing

4 Ways IoT Improves Manufacturing

  The Internet of Things (IoT) seems to expand daily. The devices that connect with the cloud are touching every aspect of our culture—from the smart home to medical devices to the manufacturing industry. With the need to streamline manufacturing processes to work as efficiently as possible, the IoT provides many avenues for working smarter …

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Production Visibility: You Can’t Manage What You Can’t See

In a perfect world, businesses would be able to count on a stable cost for raw materials, predictable customer demands, and reliable suppliers. These days, we’d be glad to have any one of those factors. Manufacturers need supply chain visibility from end to end, that has the agility and flexibility to adapt to fluctuations in …

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traceability solutions

Traceability Solutions 101: Which Industries Can Benefit?

What industries can benefit from a traceability solution? With all the advances made in track and trace technology, I’m still surprised by the businesses that have yet to adopt a traceability solution. In this five-part series, I’m going to explore the compliance requirements that require traceability, and some of the more unique applications. This blog …

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Use RFID to Lock Down Your Assets

Why is asset tracking so expensive? Asset tracking is not cheap. When tracking your physical assets, how long does it take to account for your physical inventory, input this data into your systems, and reconcile the differences? If you calculate the cost of this labor, which is usually done by higher-paid finance professionals, it can …

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Asset Management vs. Inventory Management

Is your company considering implementing an Asset Management System? Or maybe you are thinking about an Inventory Management System? What’s the difference, you ask? Well, Merriam-Webster defines an asset as an owned item of value.  In contrast, it defines inventory as the quantity of materials on hand.  Why does this difference matter?  If your company …

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