Practice does make perfect

Think about your very first job. What were your responsibilities? How were you trained? And what did you do if you needed help with a task?

Upfront training is essential for any new employee, but for tasks that are not performed regularly they might need a co-worker or supervisor to walk them through it until it becomes familiar.

A similar approach applies in the school setting, with most teachers and staff starting out with localized training for their building. The value of frequently reviewing emergency plans cannot be overstated.

But even with semi-regular drills, many schools don’t practice complex procedures like reunification enough for it to become a habit. It’s unlikely that staff will remember what they trained on in August come April. Add in the extreme stress levels triggered by a true emergency, those unfamiliar procedures become difficult to recall and carry out.

OSCR360 simplifies the logistics of regular training

School staff is swamped during the academic year with teaching, lesson plans, family communication, reports cards, IEP writing, staff meetings, committee meetings, parent/teacher conferences, open house, PTSA events and so much more. The school year is so busy that it’s hard to find the time to add anything new to the schedule.

OSCR360 effectively and efficiently prepares staff for emergencies with regular trainings and review. Its visual, interactive approach grabs each user’s attention and makes it easier to follow along and understand.

OSCR360 is:
  • Convenient – Take just 5 minutes to visually review procedures at faculty meetings. Also ideal for tabletop exercises and large or small group meetings. OSCR360 is easy to understand and follow along, making it ideal for substitute teachers who may need a quick introduction to your campus.
  • Flexible – Staff members can be trained anywhere, anytime in individual emergency procedures. Pull up lockdown procedures at one meeting and reunification plans at the next. OSCR offers a one-on-one training refresher opportunity right in the classroom.
  • Multipurpose – Create several versions of OSCR360 safety plans for different audiences. Detailed plans can be reviewed by upper administration and local first responders. Simplified plans can be shared with teachers and staff. Minimalistic plans can be shared on parent/teacher nights. OSCR360’s free viewer makes it easy to share the projects you want with the people you want.
The Value of Frequently Reviewing Emergency Plans - image of safety plans and computer on desk

The importance of regular training and re-training cannot be understated. In a crisis, staff will divert to their training, and if that training was insufficient, they risk not effectively responding at all.

Reviewing plans with OSCR360 is easy and engaging. While you may not be able to prepare for every possible emergency, regularly reviewing your plans is still essential. Keep the safety of the students and staff at your school paramount.

About L-Tron

For over two decades, L-Tron has partnered with first responders and government agencies to help them keep communities safe. We designed our patented OSCR360 specifically with school administrators and public safety in mind. From emergency preparation and training to crime and fire scene investigation and prosecution, OSCR360 encourages collaboration and efficiency among all stakeholders. We are proud to provide our OSCR360 clients with the tech support they need anytime, day or night. 

“Your success is our purpose.”

For more information on OSCR360 and the value of frequently reviewing emergency plans, check out these resources:
