Marketer by Day, Grad Student by Night
Marketer by Day, Grad Student by Night

Writing case studies has been my life for the past year.  I am finishing up my MBA in Digital Marketing and while going to class is fun (sometimes), I decided that it was time for me to have a change in scenery, especially since I am taking my last two classes at the moment.  This drive is how came across a job opening at L-Tron Corporation.
It has been several weeks since I started my Co-Op with L-Tron and it has been great!  I was hired to be a Digital Marketing Support, handling tasks (some that I have experience with and others that I do not) such as:

  • Social media development, enhancement, and management (Who won’t love this, you get to be Facebook and Twitter all day!)—Be sure to follow us on:
  • E-mail marketing  campaign development
  • Website and blog management (Make sure to subscribe to our blogs too- They are very interesting!)
  • Designing banner ads and a new tradeshow banner

I have learned a lot about the Company and its offerings.  L-Tron certainly has a wide variety of products and solutions that will help a plethora of different organizations solve their problems.  The other day I was reading a blog post that is featured on our Direct Store Blog that discusses RFID technology.  At the time I started reading, I had very little knowledge about RFID technology (which I now know means Radio Frequency Identification, in case anyone else doesn’t know).  As I continued to read, RFID technology started to intrigue me more.
One great example that I found where an industry has successfully implemented RFID technology is with healthcare.  A fact sheet that is on the FDA website states that RFID helps hospitals ensure that patients are getting the right medicine and helps as they switch from the old paper and pen record keeping to electronic medical records.  However, this does bring up an area of concern.  Is the information that is transferred through RFID actually protected?  Read this blog and your question about privacy will be answered.
Healthcare aside, organizations use RFID technology as a problem solving solution to help with a range of activities from inventory management to production.  It is a total quality management process that will improve your organization’s operations. In other words, my reader’s digest analysis goes something like this:
Need to determine what products you are running low on or need to see what part of the production process a product is at?  All of this monitoring is easy when you implement RFID technology.  Material tracking, inventory level management, as well as other activities are at your fingertips.  No more worrying about what products might be low on the shelves or determining what type of material or color shirt sells more. 
What’s the best part of getting RFID technology solutions? As a company, you are able to get a glimpse into consumer needs and wants.  You are able to understand what customers are buying, how much of that item they are buying, and what products you should probably stop ordering because cobwebs are starting to form while they sit on the shelf.  This technology is not only helps with cost efficiency, but will save your organization time so that more important things can be taken care of.
So why choose L-Tron Corporation? The answer is simple.  Not only do we have extremely knowledgeable staff that will help you, we will make sure that the product is exactly how your organization wants it.  You can find more information on our website or call us toll free at 1-800-830-9523.  And do not forget, follow us on social media and subscribe to our RSS feeds. You will not be sorry!
