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What is LEAN Manufacturing and How Can it Help You? Infographic

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[Infographic] What is LEAN Manufacturing and How Can it Help Your Business?

what is LEAN manufacturing?
[Infographic] What is LEAN Manufacturing & how can it help your business?

This resource provides a quick look at what it means to be LEAN in the manufacturing industry. Explore seven areas of waste to consider eliminating from your operations to increase profits.

Also, discover more about how the automotive industry loses thousands of dollars per minute on downtime – and how to prevent this type of loss in your business operations.

Cut the Waste, Add Value

What is LEAN Manufacturing?

The concept of LEAN manufacturing is based on removing anything unnecessary from your operations to save time and costs. LEAN manufacturing inspects every component of the manufacturing process with a critical eye to determine small areas where waste can be trimmed to make a lasting impact.  

For some, this may mean changing the order of the steps, or removing some altogether. For others, this may involve automating portions of the process or reorganizing the workspace to be more efficient.  

What is MUDA?

Muda is a Japanese term for inefficiency. This infographic focuses specifically on the 7 MUDA, which are common areas of waste for manufacturers. Exploring these areas can help manufacturers identify where there is potential to eliminate waste and become leaner.

View the infographic to see more about each of the following 7 MUDA: 

  • Transport 
  • Inventory 
  • Motion 
  • Waiting 
  • Overproduction 
  • Over-Processing 
  • Defects 

More About L-Tron

L-Tron understands real-world manufacturing systems. With almost 50 years in the AIDC industry, we know barcode readers, RFID, industrial computing, and middleware integration. Our experienced team of engineers is here to work alongside your team to identify areas in which your operations can become leaner and more profitable. We’ll help you select and implement the solutions you need to improve your bottom line. L-Tron is ISO:2015-certified and committed to quality and service excellence. Your Success is Our Purpose! 

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