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[Video] OSCR360 for Fire Departments: A Multi-Purpose Training Tool

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OSCR360 for Fire Departments: A Multi-Purpose Training Tool

OSCR360 for Fire Department Training

In this video, L-Tron’s Andy McNeill shares how OSCR360 is being used by fire departments for virtual training, emergency threat planning and fire investigations. Discover more about how OSCR360 is a multi-use tool for fire agencies and see a short list of current users.

OSCR360 for Fire Departments Video

This video explores:

  • Examples of how OSCR360 can be used by fire departments.
  • Why OSCR360 is a valuable tool for firefighters, command staff, and investigators.
  • How OSCR360 improves firefighter efficiency and safety.
  • A short list of fire service agencies currently using the system.

Why is OSCR360 valuable for First Responders & Firefighters?

OSCR360 is a fast, easy-to-use, multi-purpose tool. The system can be used for limitless virtual training scenarios, to document buildings and create emergency management plans and to organize and present fire investigations.

Use the System to document and pre-plan for potential future emergency scenarios, particularly at schools, hazardous material sites, and high-traffic locations.

Within the OSCR360 software, organize and store each 360-degree photo, as well as additional close-up photographs, blueprints, and other digital media, to create a virtual walkthrough of the scene. Include pertinent information, like the locations of emergency exits, medical equipment and fire extinguishers. Present and share the final project with new trainees, current firefighters, command staff, school administrators, law enforcement, investigators, and more.

L-Tron: Working with First Responders for 50 years

For nearly 50 years, L-Tron has teamed with public and private agencies to provide technology that keeps communities safe and assists public safety personnel in performing their jobs accurately and effectively. We developed OSCR360 with input from the law enforcement community to be an affordable, effective, multi-use tool.

L-Tron is proud to provide 24/7/365 support for fire departments to ensure that your technology is always up and running. We are supporters of educational conferences, trainings, and public safety non-profit organizations nationwide. From our exceptional customer service and support to high-quality, cutting-edge solutions, L-Tron is here to help you help others. “Your Success is Our Purpose!”

Questions? Get in Touch with the L-Tron Team

Interested in more information on OSCR360 for Fire Departments & Training? Fill out the contact form by contacting us here.
For immediate assistance, please call 800-830-9532 or email info@L-Tron.com.
