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[Video]: ICR-3241 Patrol Vehicle Router User Feedback

[Video] ICR-3241 Patrol Vehicle Router User Feedback

ICR-3241 User Feedback: Why was your Law Enforcement Agency interested in the router?

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[Video 1] Why was your department initially interested in the ICR-3241?

This video is from an interview with the head of a NYS law enforcement agency’s IT department. He explains, “Why was your department initially interested in the ICR-3241?” The video includes information about: 

  • This agency’s pain points in working with their current vendor.
  • Their desire to centrally manage their devices.
  • The overall value of the ICR-3241.
  • The agency was looking for a “what you see is what you get” router – without costly add-ons down the road.

“…that is one thing when you are preparing technology to implement for a particular thing. You are not always privy to a lifecycle of a manufacturer outside of yourself or anything else. But they can clearly play pretty significant and costly roles in the implementation of technology.”

ICR 3241 Law Enforcement User Feedback: First Impression out of the Box

Click above to play the video, or click here to view on YouTube.

[Video II] First Impressions of the ICR-3241 Patrol Vehicle Router -Out of the Box

This video features an interview with the head of a NYS law enforcement agency’s IT department. In this clip, he answers the question, “What were your initial impressions of the router, right out of the box?” The video includes information about: 

  • Durability of the ICR-3241 in a patrol car environment.
  • Purchasing one standard model that does it all.
  • Wi-Fi and Ethernet capabilities.
  • Physical components of the router. 
  • Mobile command capabilities.

“[This model is] standard across the board and it has a second ethernet port so I could actually hardwire something else to the car, it has built-in WiFi, has padded antennas and it clearly works with the existing antennas we have. It went from just kind of a single-faceted what I’ve seen in the past, to okay now we can actually do a lot of things. [The ICR-3241 gateway router] eliminates about six different things that need to be done when you’re setting up a scene.”


Maintaining an uninterrupted, secure connection is important for public safety, Law Enforcement & first responders. You are able to better protect & serve your community with equipment that is durable, rugged and built with Public Safety in mind.  

The ICR-3241 patrol vehicle router is FirstNet Ready™ with dual-sim capabilities that provide additional security if other lines of communication fail. Click here for more information on FirstNet®.

We would like to thank this NY sheriff’s office for their help in creating this video.

FirstNet and the FirstNet logo are registered trademarks and service marks of the First Responder Network Authority. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
