L-Tron’s OSCR360 Solution considered a “difference maker” in the Craig Rideout Murder Trial on News 10 NBC

News 10 NBC Interview


L-Tron’s Director of Solutions, Trevor DiMarco, was interviewed by News 10 NBC last Friday evening. DiMarco explained to News 10 how the Monroe County DA’s office utilized the L-Tron OSCR360 Solution during closing arguments to help jurors piece together evidence surrounding the Craig Rideout murder trial.

“It told a story. It told THE story, and it showed the facts in a cohesive, time-oriented manner”

– Trevor DiMarco

Trevor was present in the courtroom for the Prosecuting Team’s closing argument. By the time the trial ended and the jurors were hearing closing arguments, the jury had been exposed to over 700 pieces of evidence and 3 weeks of testimony. OSCR360 helped to alleviate some of the “information overload.” The Prosecuting team provided a simple and organized view of the evidence associated with each defendant as part of their closing argument. This simple visual summary created using OSCR360 allowed each juror to “see” the case and helped support a powerful closing statement. Trevor was able to walk through the OSCR360 Solution with News 10 NBC, including the 360 degree camera and the software developed right here in Victor, NY. He demonstrated how OSCR360 solution helped to organize mountains of evidence and data, and bring together parts of the Rideout story that were spread out over multiple counties and hundreds of miles.

Click to watch the full interview on News 10 NBC here.

About OSCR360


The OSCR360 Solution offers a better way to capture and present both crime and crash scene evidence. OSCR360 allows users to capture entire scenes and the chain of events in 360 degrees. Law enforcement officials and attorneys are able to bring the facts of the scene to life using supporting multimedia evidence files to create compelling walk through presentations. The OSCR360 Solution was purpose-built in collaboration with Law Enforcement and Prosecuting Attorneys. Contact L-Tron to learn more about OSCR360.

View Trevor’s full interview with News 10 NBC here.

The OSCR360 Solution
