Everywhere. Every case. Every time.
Team with OSCR360 for crime scene investigations ranging from small municipal code violations to the most complex homicide scenes. Use OSCR360, a system designed and built from the voice of Law Enforcement, easily capture 360 degree spherical photos and present a virtual walk through of a scene. OSCR is built to fit your budget.
Retired Officer Pete Butler, Evidence Technician/CLE, and retired NYS DEC Officer/Investigator John Dobies talk about how OSCR assists in crime scene investigations.
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OSCR360 Capture Kit & Desktop Software for
Crime Scene Investigations

OSCR is a two-part multi-use system made up of a 360 degree capture kit and desktop software. Capture 360 degree images of a crime scene in seconds, instantly view your photos on the OSCR tablet, and sync your photos to the desktop software. The easy-to-use software organizes all of your digital evidence and is used to present a compelling and interactive virtual walk through of the scene. Present your case in the courtroom, to other agencies, investigators and officers, command staff and more.
OSCR is simple and easy to use. No post production is required and the system requires little to no training. OSCR360 was built from your voice by collaborating alongside Public Safety agencies. See how you can use the system for crime scene investigations below.
OSCR360 First in State User Pittsfield Police Department, MA
“We are putting the [OSCR] system into work right away. We just used it for a homicide case last week. It’s going to prove very helpful in our investigation, certainly making it much easier for juries to understand the case.”
Investigator, Pittsfield Police Department, MA
OSCR360 Difference Maker in Craig Rideout Murder Trial
Video Source: www.WHEC.com
How does OSCR360 Assist on Crime Scene Investigations?

360 Image Capture
OSCR is small, light weight, and easy to bring to any scene. Quickly and easily set up the OSCR360 Capture Kit in under 5 minutes. On-screen tablet instructions make image capture in 4-10 seconds easy. No post production or training is required.

Instant Preview & Image Sync
Instantly preview your 360 photos on scene and show command staff using the OSCR tablet. Eliminate scene contamination and trampling. Easily and securely sync your 360 images to your OSCR desktop software.

Build Your Case
Use your 360 degree photos as a container for other digital evidence. Embed 911 audio recordings, body cam footage, DSLR images, surveillance footage, images of lift cards, videos, overlay blue prints and more. Organize and relate all case evidence.

Take a Virtual Tour
OSCR makes it easy to connect the dots, present a multimedia virtual tour of the crime scene. Walk judges, District Attorneys, juries, surrounding jurisdictions, suspects and witnesses through the scene using the OSCR software. Use for a compelling courtroom presentation.
OSCR Teams with you on Crime Scene Investigations

- Homicides
- Unattended Deaths
- Burglaries
- Car Crashes
- Drug Investigations
- Search Warrants
- Domestic Violence Incidents
- Hazardous Material Investigations
- Active Shooter Preplanning
- Courtroom Testimony and Presentation
- Fire/Arson Investigations
- Click for more uses by Law Enforcement
Your Word on the Street
More Ways OSCR is Assisting on Crime Scene Investigations

Document your finger print processing. Capture your scene before, during and after fingerprint processing to explain exactly where a print was lifted from. Video: Capturing and Processing Finger Print Evidence with OSCR360
Easily document the perspective of a driver or a passenger inside a vehicle. OSCR also assists on crash investigations & crash reconstruction. Click here for more.
Investigators are using OSCR to document exactly how they are processing a scene. For example, pulling up a piece of the floor. Use OSCR to document the various stages and point to the exact location where a piece of flooring was removed.
Evaluate a scene before you enter. Use OSCR to screen for hazards or important evidence before you step into a room. Stick OSCR through a window or doorway, quickly capture a 360 photo and instantly view the image on the OSCR tablet.
Document small spaces by sticking OSCR through a crack in a door, up into a dark attic, or use in other small spaces such as trailers/mobile homes, bathrooms, and inside vehicles.
Bring assault victims back to the scene safety, use the system to confirm locations. Domestic Violence cases are on the rise with COVID-19. Click for more OSCR uses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We really like the ease of use [of OSCR360] and how quickly we were going to be able to document crime scenes.”

Lieutenant, First-in-State OSCR360 User
“[We ordered OSCR] to help create presentations for our homicide unit and our command staff to show them what a crime scene looks like without them having to actually to into the scene and possibly contaminate the evidence that is present.”

Officer, First-in -State OSCR User

Why Investigators love the Capture Kit
- Speed & Ease of Use - simple system set up. Complete all overall scene photos in under 15 minutes.
- Reduce Scene Trampling - Send one person into the scene. Instantly preview your 360s with command staff in the field.
- Little to no training required. Three simple on screen tablet instructions tell you how to capture a photo.
- No Moving Parts - the camera has two fish eye lenses and automatically stitches the image together. There are virtually no blind spots.

The entire capture kit weighs under 10lbs and is stored conveniently in one bag.
- Save on PPE - One Officer is needed to enter the scene & operate the system.
- No post production required. Four seconds is all it takes. The 360 image is instantly available to preview on the OSCR tablet.
- Small Footprint. OSCR easily fits in small spaces and is easy to move room to room. Use OSCR in small spaces to accurately document closets, car interiors, bathrooms & attics.
- L-Tron's Sensor Tube captures accurate GPS coordinates for each 360 photo.
Software Made Simple

Built from the Voice of Law Enforcement
With little to no training, easily use the OSCR360 software to build case projects and show a complete view of the crime scene.
Easily embed digital evidence into your OSCR case project including: 911 recordings, video, DSLR photos, PDFs and more. Overlay blue prints, floor plans and images.
With OSCR, you provide context and scale that you cannot achieve with traditional photographs. View images from floor to ceiling and show where evidence is in relation to other items in a scene.
Provide additional context with built-in maps and GPS coordinates. OSCR ties everything together and provides full transparency into how a scene was found.
Present a compelling virtual walkthrough presentation of a crime scene. You & anyone you present to can see exactly how the scene looked upon discovery. Take the viewer on an immersive and interactive view of the scene with 360 imagery, embedded videos, audio, maps, overlays, PDFs, DLSRs, and more.
OSCR360 presentations are being utilized in the courtroom, during interviews and for witness testimony, for emergency preplanning, to train pre and post-incident and more.
OSCR360 in the Courtroom

Rideout Homicide Trial, Rochester NY
OSCR360 was utilized by Prosecution during closing arguments in the Rideout Trial. With 4 suspects and over 700 pieces of evidence, the OSCR360 presentation helped to bring everything together for the jury. Click below for case details.
"I thought it [OSCR360] helped consolidate all the information we had to consider and make things clearer."
Rideout Trial Juror
OSCR has also been used during grand jury proceedings and has been used by prosecution to corroborate witness testimony. OSCR makes it easy to organize your entire case and present in court. Eliminate the need to open multiple pieces of software to explain things in court.
“[OSCR]360 was used in the prosecution of Jonathan Ortiz for Murder in the Second Degree. It was used during the testimony of a main witness in the case [in the courtroom.] We were able to have the witness walk through the crime scene with the use of the 360. The jury was able to see the witness's vantage point of the events that occurred. The witness was able to articulate where all of the parties involved in the crime were located through the use of the 360. We were pleased with the results since it helped us explain the crime scene to the jury.”
Julie M. Hahn, Esq.; Assistant District Attorney; Chief, Major Felony Bureau Monroe County, NY
Popular Resources
[Video Gallery] From the Voice of Law Enforcement
Watch a collection of videos from Law Enforcement agencies across the country and hear why they are using OSCR for their investigations.
[Fact Sheet] OSCR360 - Everywhere. Every case. Every time.
Learn more about the OSCR hardware and software. Click to print, download and view a PDF.
[Use Case] Making Evidence Matter: Tying Together 700 Pieces of Evidence
Discover how OSCR360 aided in the Craig Rideout Murder Trial convictions.
[Web Page] OSCR360 Agency Purchases
OSCR has been purchased by agencies across 20 states. Click for a full list of OSCR360 users.
[eGuide]: Your Guide to Forensic Photography
How to Capture True, Accurate, and Admissible Crime Scene Photos. This Guide is meant for investigators & forensic personnel looking to preserving a shot in its original, true & accurate form.
[Whitepaper]: Your Guide to the OSCR360 Solution for Crime Scene Investigations
More than a police camera, the OSCR360 system captures 360-degree spherical images and contains, relates and organizes digital evidence. Learn how Police Agencies are using the system to assist on investigations.
[Press Release]: Two Speakers from L-Tron to Present at 2019 IAI Forensics Conference
Two members of the L-Tron team presented at the IAI International Forensic Education Conference in Reno, NV in August 2019.
[News & Events]: Forensic Photography Course Attendees to Receive ACTAR and IAI Credits
L-Tron's Forensic Photography training course attendees will now receive ACTAR and IAI continuing education credits.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How much does OSCR cost?
OSCR was built with your budget in mind. A single complete system, (1) capture kit and (1) desktop software license starts around 16k. Click for more pricing information.
First-in-State Discounts are available. Click for more about exclusive purchase options from L-Tron.
How long does it take to capture a 360 photo?
OSCR360 works as quickly as you do. Capture a 360 degree image in under four seconds. Capture an entire house in under 15 minutes.
What is HDR and why is it important?
HDR is the acronym for High Dynamic Range. This feature on the Capture Kit allows you to capture 360 degree images exactly the same way your eye sees the space you are documenting. HDR captures images in three exposures and automatically pulls the best of each image together. Capture 360 images in any lighting condition.
Who is using OSCR?
OSCR has been purchased by agencies across the country. OSCR360 users include:
- Boston Police Department
- Austin Police Department
- University of New Haven, Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science
- Orange County Sheriff’s Office
- Sacramento Police Department & Fire Department
- Scranton Police Department
- Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
- Click to view full list
Meet OSCR - Contact Us
Interested in Meeting oscr Or talking with other Crime Scene Investigators who have used the system?
Fill out the contact form and we will respond to your request within the same business day.

Email: info@L-Tron.com
Tel: 800-830-9523 x115