“A uniform, planned, and practiced response to any incident is the foundation of a safe school.”

The “I Love U Guys” Foundation

What is the Standard Response Protocol?

The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) was developed to provide common language, training and expectations that students, teachers and first responders should use during any crisis situation. The Protocol is created from research-based best practices and provides a familiar, rehearsed approach to all types of hazards and emergency scenarios. This includes everything from natural disasters and fires to active shooter threats, or potential danger in the vicinity of the school district, and more.

The SRP uses the following five terms. Each term is associated with specific actions for the school community to execute, based on the incident at hand.

Hold in your room or area. Keep hallways clear.

Secure. Get inside. Lock outside doors. Safeguard those within the building.

Lockdown. Lock doors. Lights off, out of sight. Secure individual rooms and keep occupants quiet and in place.

Evacuate (location). Move people from one location to another safe space.

Shelter from hazards with your safety strategy. Provide group and self-protection.

How does OSCR360 fit into your School Standard Response Protocol?

The SRP involves both up-front and continuous training and drills throughout the school year. This allows safety teams to review and practice implementing each specific action. The “I Love U Guys” Foundation generously provides SRP curriculum, guidance, posters, training materials, and a variety of additional resources, free of charge.

OSCR360 assists schools with creating and implementing their emergency response plans.

Prior to training with OSCR360, the district can use the OSCR360 camera to walk through and document entire buildings, campuses, and reunification sites. Then, within the OSCR360 software, add Points of Interest to note items and areas of importance, such as entries and exits, safety equipment, security cameras, AEDs, and more. Overlay maps and blueprints as needed for additional geolocational context.

A completed OSCR360 project provides a virtual walkthrough of your school buildings and plans – including any specific plans that related to your School Standard Response Protocol.


Pull up your OSCR360 training plans anywhere and anytime. Show emergency teams, students, faculty, or parents exactly where they need to go and what they need to do in any given scenario. Present your reunification plans, evacuation plans or lockdown plans using OSCR360. There is no limit to the number of OSCR360 projects you can create. Share these plans with your local law enforcement and first responders. The system enables students to be thoroughly trained during school-wide assemblies, or from their classrooms.

OSCR360 projects provide clarity and help to ensure that there aren’t details left up to personal interpretation. With OSCR360, everyone is on the same page.

Partner with local first responders

Training plans built in OSCR360 are easily shared with your local first responders to equip them with the tactical advantage necessary for efficient emergency response. Know, with confidence, that while your staff and students are implementing the Standard Response Protocol during an active threat, your local law enforcement, firefighters and/or EMTs are well prepared with the knowledge of the campus layout, so that they can respond to any type of emergency quickly and effectively.

The Standard Response Protocol not only plays a huge role in the emergency preparation and safety of our school communities, but also contributes to a positive learning environment by fostering feelings of safety and well-being among students and staff.

Find out more about the Standard Response Protocol by visiting SRP ♥ The “I Love U Guys” Foundation.
